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Meeting Tips

How to Apologize for Missing a Meeting [+ Templates]

November 24, 2023
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Last updated
March 14, 2024
Jenna Pitkälä
How to Apologize for Missing a Meeting [+ Templates]
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We've all been there: everything's going great, life's good, then you open your calendar and what do you see? A meeting that you were supposed to attend has passed.

Even if it's still running, it's too late to join and contribute to the meeting.

You start wondering what to do and say to the others.

In this blog, we'll explore how to apologize for missing a meeting without making it a bigger issue than it needs to be.

More specifically...

  • Reasons Why People Miss Meetings
  • What to Do If You Miss a Meeting
  • Apology Email Samples
  • Essential Elements for an Apology Across Any Platform

Reasons Why People Miss Meetings

It's a scenario many of us dread: the meeting is underway, and you're nowhere to be found.

Whether it's an honest mistake or an unavoidable hiccup, missing a meeting can leave us scrambling for the right way to convey our apologies.

But before we get into the nitty-gritty of crafting an effective apology, let's explore why these mishaps happen.

Understanding the root cause is crucial as it not only helps us frame our apology but also ensures we're taking steps to avoid a repeat performance.

  • Scheduling Conflicts: Sometimes, our calendars look more like a game of Tetris, with blocks of time fitting in every which way but loose. Double-booking can happen to anyone, especially when juggling multiple projects or roles.
  • Personal Emergencies: Life happens, and it doesn't always check your Google Calendar first. Personal emergencies, whether it's a family matter or an unexpected health issue, can derail even the most important meeting.
  • Technical Troubles: Technology, the bridge between us and all the meetings, can sometimes be the barrier. Connectivity issues or hardware hiccups can leave you unable to join a virtual gathering.
  • Unforeseen Circumstances: Those things we just didn't see coming. It could be traffic that's slower than a snail on a leisurely stroll, or a last-minute request from a top client or your boss that you simply can't ignore.
  • Poor Organization: Let's face it, sometimes the fault lies in our court. Perhaps we didn't set a reminder, or we scribbled the wrong date on our planner – yes, some still use the trusty old pen and paper.
  • Health Issues: From sudden migraines to that questionable sushi from the night before, health issues can strike without warning, making attendance at even the most important meetings impossible.
  • Mental Health Days: Mental health is finally getting the spotlight it deserves. Sometimes, we need a day to recharge, and that day might just coincide with a scheduled meeting.
  • Overlapping Responsibilities: You're needed in two places at once – if only cloning were an option! When you're balancing tasks, sometimes something has to give, and unfortunately, it might be the meeting on your schedule.

Recognizing why the meeting was missed is pivotal. It helps tailor your apology to the circumstance. For instance, a personal emergency calls for a different tone than a scheduling oversight.

Empathy and self-awareness are key in discerning between unavoidable and preventable absences.

Acknowledging a genuine oversight shows respect for your colleagues' time and reflects a commitment to accountability. On the flip side, valid reasons such as family emergencies or unforeseen events will likely be met with understanding from a compassionate team.

When you know why you missed a meeting, you can offer a sincere apology that addresses the specific situation, and more importantly, you show that you value maintaining professional relationships.

It’s not just about saying sorry; it's about expressing regret in a way that's genuine and considerate of the people involved.

With this understanding, let's move forward and delve into the steps you can take to mend the situation when you've found yourself on the missing persons list for an important meeting.

What to Do If You Miss a Meeting

The sinking feeling when you realize you've missed a meeting is all too familiar. But instead of letting panic set in, here's a composed approach to setting things right.

1. Inform and Apologize Immediately

Combine urgency with accountability. As soon as you're aware of the slip-up, reach out to the meeting host or the relevant parties.

A prompt apology shows you're not taking the situation lightly. On how to exactly word it, we have samples for in the next section.

2. Assess and Assist

Determine how your absence might have affected the meeting's outcome. Was there a decision that required your input?

Or perhaps you were meant to present vital information?

Once you gauge the impact, offer to contribute in whatever way you can to help rectify the oversight. If the impact was significant and your role was crucial, ask how you can assist to remedy the situation.

One simple way to figure out how much you were needed and what was discussed in the meeting is asking for the meeting recording or notes.

If your company is not using Wudpecker's AI notetaking tool yet, consider it for the future for this exact situation.

Wudpecker generates objective and concise summaries and action items from online meetings. It also keeps the audio recording and transcription, and makes all of this easily shareable!

How does it work? Simply...

  1. Sign up for Wudpecker.
  2. Make sure your meeting shows up in your account and the notetaker is able to join it.
  3. Admit the notetaker in your virtual meeting.
  4. Access the meeting notes and transcription shortly after the meeting in your account. They stay safely stored in your account unless you remove them.

(more information here)

3. Take Action on Action Items

If there were specific tasks or follow-up items you were responsible for, ensure you address them without delay.

It's not just about saying sorry; it's about showing that you're committed to the team's progress. Ensure you follow up on the action items (from Wudpecker's meeting notes) and deliver on any commitments you had for the meeting.

Apology Email Samples

Navigating the nuances of workplace communication means knowing when to keep it casual and when to adopt a more formal tone. Here are two revised email templates to cover both bases.

Casual Apology for Missing a Regular Meeting

Subject: Missed [Meeting Topic] Meeting

Hi [Meeting Organizer],

I'm sorry for missing out on today's meeting. I got caught up with [simple reason, e.g., an urgent client call] and the time got away from me.

I've looked over the meeting notes to catch up. If there are any points that need my immediate attention, please let me know.

Thanks for understanding. I'm putting a few new reminders in place to make sure this doesn't happen again.


[Your Name]

Formal Apology for Missing a Crucial Meeting

Subject: Apology for Absence from Yesterday’s Critical Meeting

Hello [Colleague's Name],

I apologize for my absence at yesterday's meeting. A [brief reason, e.g., personal matter] came up unexpectedly.

I’ve reviewed the meeting notes and understand the critical points that were discussed. Please let me know if there’s any way I can provide input or help to push forward any pending items.

I realize the importance of these meetings and will better make sure I don't miss them in the future.

Thank you for your understanding.


[Your Name]

Essential Elements for an Apology Across Any Platform

Regardless of whether you're drafting an email or sending a message through a platform like Slack, your apology should be clear, concise, and include the following elements:

  1. Acknowledgment of the Missed Meeting: A straightforward admission that you missed the meeting.
  2. Reason for Your Absence: A brief and honest reason why you couldn't attend—avoid over-explaining or making excuses.
  3. Acceptance of Responsibility: Clearly state that you understand the significance of your absence and accept responsibility for it.
  4. Commitment to Prevent Future Issues: Show that you're proactive by sharing how you plan to avoid similar issues in the future.
  5. Request to Reschedule or Follow Up: If necessary, ask to reschedule the meeting or request a brief follow-up to cover what you missed.
  6. Expression of Sincerity: Let the recipients feel your genuine regret for any inconvenience caused.


On the topic of how to apologize for missing a meeting, it's clear that the approach should be thoughtful and considerate. While no one is immune to the occasional slip-up, how you handle it can leave a lasting impression on your professional relationships. Here's a concise summary:

  • Sincerity is Key: A genuine apology goes a long way in maintaining professional relationships. Whether it's a personal emergency or a scheduling conflict, a sincere apology for a missed meeting shows respect for the time and effort of your colleagues.
  • Clarity in Communication: Be clear about why you missed the meeting without delving into unnecessary details. A brief explanation suffices to provide context without making excuses.
  • Responsibility and Remediation: Accept responsibility for your absence and take actionable steps to make amends. This could be by reviewing meeting notes, catching up on key points discussed, or offering to contribute in other ways.
  • Forward Focus: Look ahead to prevent future missed meetings. Whether it's refining your organization skills or using tools like Google Calendar more effectively, showing that you're committed to improvement can mitigate the negative impact of your absence.
  • Building Trust: Each time you attend meetings as scheduled, you build trust. Conversely, every missed meeting requires effort to rebuild that trust. Make attending future meetings a priority, and if unforeseen circumstances arise, communicate in a timely manner.

Remember, missing meetings is not that uncommon. It's not the mistake but how you handle it that defines your professional tone and reputation.

By effectively apologizing and taking steps to avoid similar issues, you demonstrate professionalism and respect for your colleagues' time, ultimately preserving and enhancing positive relationships within your workplace.


How do you apologize for missing a meeting example?

To apologize for missing a meeting, you should send a prompt communication, such as an email or a message through your company’s communication platform, that includes the following elements:

  • A clear statement of apology at the beginning.
  • A concise and honest reason for missing the meeting.
  • An acknowledgment of the inconvenience caused to the meeting organizer and attendees.
  • A commitment to reviewing meeting notes or outcomes and to follow up on any action items assigned to you.
  • An offer to reschedule if necessary and a promise to avoid such mistakes in the future.

How do you apologize for missing something professionally?

When you miss an appointment, a deadline, or another professional commitment, apologize by:

  • Admitting the mistake directly and professionally.
  • Providing a valid reason without making excuses.
  • Expressing regret for any negative impact.
  • Showing your willingness to make things right.
  • Proposing solutions or asking for the best way to proceed.
  • Using a polite and respectful tone throughout your communication.

How do you apologize professionally in a meeting?

If you need to apologize during a meeting, follow these steps:

  • Wait for an appropriate time to speak, such as when the meeting organizer asks for updates or opens the floor for discussion.
  • Keep your apology brief and to the point to maintain the flow of the meeting.
  • Accept responsibility without diverting blame to others.
  • Offer a quick summary of how you intend to rectify the situation or avoid future issues.
  • After the meeting, consider following up with a written apology to any affected parties if the issue was significant.

How do you apologize for not meeting expectations?

If you haven’t met expectations in a professional setting:

  • Acknowledge the issue as soon as you realize the expectations have not been met.
  • Provide a clear and honest explanation for what went wrong.
  • Accept full responsibility for the shortfall.
  • Apologize sincerely to those affected, emphasizing your understanding of the seriousness of the situation.
  • Outline your plan to address any immediate consequences and to prevent recurrence.
  • Follow through on your commitments to rectify the situation promptly.
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