Personalized AI for your meeting notes.

An AI meeting assistant that actually takes your instructions and make tailored notes for you.


Trusted by 10,000+ professionals and teams

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  • lca logistics logo
  • lca logistics logo
  • lca logistics logo
  • lca logistics logo
  • lca logistics logo
  • lca logistics logo
  • lca logistics logo

Just 1 step away from your awesome notes

Simply connect your calendar to Wudpecker, letting Wudpecker join your meetings and take notes for you.


How to train Wudpecker

Experience the simplicity of empowering your everyday tasks with our AI assistant. Effortless setup, intuitive interface – embark on the journey to personalized efficiency in just a few clicks.

Sign up for Wudpecker. It's free.

Join professionals and teams supercharging their productivity with Wudpecker.