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Meeting Tips

40 Check-In Questions for Pleasant Meetings

February 6, 2024
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Last updated
February 6, 2024
Phu Ta
40 Check-In Questions for Pleasant Meetings
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Have you ever been in a meeting, wondering if your presence matters?

Chances are, as a manager or team leader, you've experienced this firsthand. More importantly, it's a feeling you don't want any of your team members to endure.

In this blog, we'll show you how to use warm check-in questions to make your team meetings more engaging and foster a sense of bonding.

Whether it's a daily stand-up, a project meeting, or a one-on-one meeting; the right questions can turn routine interactions into moments of connection and insight.

We also provide 40 examples of team check-in questions for you to apply to your meetings!

What Are Check-In Questions?

Check-in questions are a list of predetermined questions that managers ask their employees to hear about updates and foster a sense of connection in a meeting.

Check-in questions serve as a gateway to meaningful conversations in team settings, designed to foster engagement and provide insights into team members' thoughts and feelings. These questions range from simple updates about work progress to deeper inquiries about well-being and team dynamics.

The purpose of check-in questions extends beyond routine updates, aiming to foster a culture where every individual feels an integral part of the team. By ensuring that every voice is heard, these questions help in building a foundation of mutual respect and support.

This approach not only enhances individual morale but also strengthens the collective efficacy of the team, making it pivotal for nurturing a positive and inclusive workplace environment.

These questions can be categorized into several types, such as:

  • Status Updates: Focused on work progress and immediate tasks.
  • Emotional Check-Ins: Aimed at understanding team members' current emotional states and overall well-being.
  • Engagement Questions: Designed to spark conversation and encourage team bonding.
  • Feedback Requests: Focused on gathering input on various topics, from project feedback to ideas for improving team dynamics.

Why Are Check-In Questions Important?

Incorporating check-in questions in meetings is not just about following a trend, it’s about genuinely caring for your team's well-being and success.

By dedicating time to these questions, leaders can create a more inclusive, supportive, and productive work environment.

Here are the main reasons they are beneficial to your team's health. They...

Promote Open and Honest Communication

  • Encourage team members to share their thoughts and feelings openly.
  • Foster a culture of trust and transparency.

Boost Team Morale and Engagement

  • Show team members that their well-being is a priority.
  • Increase engagement by making meetings more interactive and less monotonous.

Improve Work-Life Balance

  • Help identify pressures that may affect team members' work-life balance.
  • Offer a platform to discuss and address concerns related to workload and mental health.

Enhance Team Building and Cohesion

  • Facilitate better understanding among team members, contributing to stronger relationships.
  • Support team-building activities by integrating fun and thoughtful questions that help team members bond.

Aid in Identifying and Solving Problems Early

  • Early detection of issues affecting the team's morale, productivity, or project's continued success.
  • Provide insights into potential obstacles and allow for collaborative problem-solving.

How to Make Great Check-In Questions

The goal is to create a meaningful dialogue that strengthens team bonds and enhances productivity.

Great check-in questions should invite honest communication, spark conversation, and ultimately, contribute to a culture of openness and mutual respect.

Crafting effective check-in questions requires a blend of creativity, empathy, and strategic thinking.

Let Wudpecker help you with note-taking during the check-in meetings, so that you can focus on keeping the flow of the dialogue and make it more engaging for your employees.

Here are some tips to help you formulate questions that will resonate with your team and enhance your meetings.

Ensure Relevance

Ensuring relevance in check-in questions involves tailoring questions to reflect the team's immediate priorities, challenges, or achievements, making the conversation meaningful and directly applicable to their work and well-being.

This customization fosters a deeper engagement from team members, as they see the direct connection between the questions asked and their daily activities and aspirations, enhancing the overall effectiveness of the check-in process.

Encourage Openness

Create a safe space where individuals feel comfortable expressing their genuine thoughts, feelings, and challenges.

This openness can lead to more meaningful discussions, fostering a culture of trust and vulnerability.

By asking questions that require thoughtful reflection, you signal to your team that their insights and experiences are valued and important for the team's growth and cohesion.

Balance Professional and Personal

Mix questions about work-related topics with those about personal development and well-being. Show interest in team members' career goals, personal milestones, and work-life balance.

This balanced approach ensures that while professional goals and project progress are discussed, there's also room to acknowledge and support the individual's life outside of work.

Such a strategy fosters a holistic view of team members, recognizing them as complete individuals with varied interests and commitments, which can deepen connections and enhance mutual understanding within the team.

Keep It Engaging

Introduce fun check-in questions and prompts to keep the atmosphere positive and relaxed. Use creative questions that spark joy and curiosity, such as hypothetical scenarios or light-hearted quizzes.

Incorporate a mix of creative and fun questions to make check-ins an enjoyable part of meetings.

This approach not only lightens the mood but also encourages more dynamic and lively interactions among team members, fostering a positive team atmosphere and making meetings more effective and memorable.

Rotate and Refresh

Avoid repetition by regularly introducing new questions. Encourage team members to contribute their questions to keep the content fresh and engaging.

This practice prevents the check-in process from becoming monotonous or predictable, ensuring that team members remain engaged and invested in sharing their thoughts and experiences.

By inviting contributions and suggestions for new questions from team members, you can also foster a sense of ownership and inclusivity, making the check-in process a collective effort that reflects the diverse perspectives within the team.

Examples of Check-In Questions

Here are examples across various categories to inspire your next meeting:

For Team Building and Morale

  1. "What's one new skill you've acquired recently, and how do you see it impacting your role?"
  2. "If you could have an impromptu presentation on any topic, what would it be and why?"
  3. "Which historical figure would you choose to have a coffee with if time machines existed?"
  4. "What's one personal achievement you're proud of this year, and how has it influenced your approach to work?"
  5. "If you could start a new team tradition, what would it be and why?"
  6. "What's a book or movie that changed your perspective, and how can its lessons apply to our team?"
  7. "Which team project have you felt most connected to, and what made it special?"
  8. "If our team were a sports team, what role would you play and why?"
  9. "What's one thing you admire about each team member?"
  10. "How do you think our team compares to a famous team in history or fiction, and what can we learn from them?"

To Gauge Work-Life Balance and Well-Being

  1. "On a scale of 1-10, how do you feel about your current workload and why?"
  2. "What's one thing you've done for your well-being this week?"
  3. "How do you balance your career goals with your personal life?"
  4. "What's one hobby or activity you turn to for relaxation, and how has it helped you manage stress?"
  5. "What activity helps you recharge after a challenging week, and why do you find it effective?"
  6. "What's one change you've made to your daily routine that has positively affected your work-life balance?"
  7. "How do you prioritize tasks when everything feels important, and how does this affect your personal time?"
  8. "What's one strategy you've found effective for disconnecting from work after hours?"
  9. "How has remote work affected your perception of work-life balance, and what adjustments have you made?"
  10. "In what ways do you feel supported by our team in managing work-life balance, and what improvements would you suggest?"

For Feedback and Project Progress

  1. "What's the biggest obstacle you're facing with your current projects?"
  2. "Can you share one example of a recent success and what it taught you?"
  3. "How would you measure success for the project we're working on?"
  4. "What feedback have you received from team members or clients that has influenced the direction of our project?"
  5. "Are there any resources or support you feel are missing that could propel our project forward?"
  6. "What's one learning from this project you think could be beneficial for future projects?"
  7. "How do you feel about the current project timeline and deadlines? Are they reasonable?"
  8. "What's one area of the project you're particularly excited about, and why?"
  9. "Have you identified any process improvements that could increase our efficiency or effectiveness?"
  10. "How do you think our project aligns with the overall goals of our organization?"

Fun and Light-Hearted Questions

  1. "If you could pick a fashion trend to bring back, what would it be?"
  2. "What's your favorite fun fact that you think no one else knows?"
  3. "If you had to give a nickname to everyone in this team based on their personality, what would it be?"
  4. "What superpower would you choose to have for a day, and what would you do with it?"
  5. "If our team were stranded on a deserted island, who would be elected leader and why?"
  6. "What's the most unusual food you've ever tried, and would you eat it again?"
  7. "If you could instantly become an expert in any subject or activity, what would it be?"
  8. "What song would you choose as your personal theme song to play every time you enter a room?"
  9. "If you could switch roles with anyone on the team for a week, who would it be and why?"
  10. "What's the most memorable dream you've had recently, and how would you interpret it?"


Incorporating check-in questions into your meetings is more than just a way to start conversations; it's a strategic approach to building a cohesive, engaged, and motivated team.

By thoughtfully crafting and selecting questions that resonate with your team's dynamics and goals, you can foster an environment of open communication, mutual respect, and continuous improvement.

Whether you're looking to break the ice in a new team, enhance collaboration among remote team members, or simply check in on your team's well-being, the right questions can make all the difference.

Remember, the strength of a team lies not just in the work it produces but in the relationships it builds and the culture it fosters. So, the next time you're planning a meeting, consider how check-in questions can contribute to your team's success and well-being.


What Are Some Good Check-In Questions?

Good check-in questions can range from those designed to gauge how team members are feeling, to understanding their current workload, and even exploring personal interests or achievements.

Examples include asking about recent successes, challenges faced, or something new learned.

These questions should be open-ended to encourage meaningful dialogue and can be tailored to the specific context of your team or meeting to ensure they are relevant and engaging.

How Can Check-in Questions Improve Team Productivity?

Check-in questions can improve team productivity by identifying blockers early, ensuring tasks are on track, and aligning team members with the project's goals.

They encourage proactive problem-solving and foster a culture of accountability and support, leading to more efficient workflows and project execution.

What Makes a Check-in Question Effective in Virtual Meetings?

An effective check-in question in virtual meetings encourages engagement and participation from all team members, regardless of their location.

It should be open-ended to allow for diverse responses and designed to build connection and rapport, overcoming the physical distance that remote work can create.

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40 Check-In Questions for Pleasant Meetings
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40 Check-In Questions for Pleasant Meetings
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40 Check-In Questions for Pleasant Meetings
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