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5 Tips to Effectively Search for Knowledge in Online Meetings

November 24, 2023
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Last updated
November 24, 2023
Hai Ta
5 Tips to Effectively Search for Knowledge in Online Meetings
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In the era of remote work and digital connectivity, online meetings have become the lifeblood of professional communication. They are the modern marketplace for ideas, decision-making, and knowledge sharing.

But have you ever found yourself searching frantically for that one golden nugget of information lost in a sea of online meetings? If so, you're not alone. Extracting knowledge from these virtual gatherings efficiently can often feel like finding a needle in a haystack.

The Challenge of Knowledge Extraction in Online Meetings

The nature of online meetings makes information retrieval a significant challenge. With attendees spread across different locations and time zones, the crucial details discussed in these meetings can often slip through the cracks of memory and note-taking.

Did the marketing team commit to a 15% budget increase? When is the new project launch date?

Valuable time is spent combing through meeting notes or recordings, trying to unearth these lost artefacts of information.

In fact, a McKinsey report revealed that employees spend nearly 20% of their time — equivalent to one day per week — searching for internal information or tracking down colleagues for help.

Understanding the Importance of Effective Knowledge Search

Effective knowledge search plays a pivotal role in maintaining productivity, making informed decisions, and ultimately driving business growth.

The ability to quickly locate and utilize the knowledge exchanged in online meetings could mean the difference between a project delivered on time and one that's delayed — a well-informed decision and a shot in the dark.

Conversely, the absence of effective knowledge search can lead to miscommunication, delays, and a substantial decrease in productivity.

Tips to Effectively Search for Knowledge in Online Meetings

Armed with this understanding, let's dive into some strategies to help you navigate the knowledge labyrinth of online meetings.

1. Prioritize Effective Note-taking

Notes are your map in the knowledge treasure hunt. During meetings, ensure that you're taking structured, detailed notes that accurately capture the critical points.

Consider using note-taking techniques like the Cornell method or the Outline method.

These methods encourage active listening and help in capturing information in a way that's easy to review and search later.

2. Develop a Meeting Summary

At the end of each meeting, invest a few minutes in creating a summary of the key points, decisions made, and action items.

Meeting summaries serve as condensed knowledge capsules, making it easier to remember and locate important information later.

3. Organize and Archive Meetings

An effective organizational system for your meeting notes and recordings is crucial. Consider creating dedicated folders for each project or team, and clearly label your meeting notes with the date and key topics discussed.

This way, you know exactly where to look when you need specific information.

4. Follow up and Review

After each meeting, spend some time reviewing the notes and action items.

Immediate review not only helps in retaining the information but also in identifying any gaps or unclear points.

Also, ensure that all action items are followed up on, and any updates or decisions are clearly documented.

5. Use AI-Enabled Meeting Tools

While the above strategies are undeniably useful, they are not without their limitations.

Time-consuming: Both effective note-taking and creating meeting summaries require a substantial amount of time and effort. In the fast-paced corporate world, this may not always be feasible.

Moreover, the process of organizing, archiving, and subsequently searching through meetings is time-consuming and may not yield the desired information quickly enough.

Human-error prone: Note-taking, summarizing, and organizing meetings all rely on human accuracy.

There's always the risk of missing out on crucial points, misinterpretation of information, or simply losing track of where certain notes are saved.

Requires learning and consistency: Effective note-taking methods like the Cornell or Outline method aren't skills that most people have inherently.

They require learning and consistent application to be truly effective. Similarly, developing and maintaining an effective archiving system requires a degree of discipline and consistency.

With these challenges in mind, technology presents a solution that can help streamline the process of knowledge search in online meetings - AI-enabled meeting tools.

These tools, like Wudpecker, use AI to transcribe meetings, identify and highlight key points, and make the information easily searchable.

This means that instead of sifting through pages of notes or hours of recordings, you can simply type in your query and get the information you need in seconds.

Say goodbye to the limitations of manual methods and hello to the efficiency of AI!

Meet Wudpecker

AI meeting tools like Wudpecker have achieved a standard of summary-writing that you can confidently rely on for precise information.

Don't just take our word for it - use for free and get the benefits for yourself! is an AI meeting tool that records, transcribes, and summarizes your meetings. It is built extract insights with simple prompts and questions.

  • Can extract insights despite the meeting length
  • Offers quality summaries and transcripts, making it easy to review meetings and find important insights quickly
  • Transcription available in 100+ languages
  • Records calls for later reference and sharing with remote team members
  • Allows users to create snippets from recordings, making it easy to share important sections of a meeting with others
  • Recognizes speakers during the meeting and separates their dialogue in the transcript, making it easy to follow along and attribute comments to the correct person


Navigating the sea of online meetings doesn't have to feel like a wild goose chase. With these tips and tools, you can effectively search for and retrieve the knowledge you need. Remember, the goal isn't just to survive the flood of information in online meetings, but to master the art of surfing these waves.

Are you ready to transform your online meetings into efficient knowledge banks? Give Wudpecker a try and experience the difference yourself. The future of efficient knowledge search in online meetings is here, and it's powered by AI!

Automatic quality online meeting notes
Try Wudpecker for free
5 Tips to Effectively Search for Knowledge in Online Meetings
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5 Tips to Effectively Search for Knowledge in Online Meetings
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5 Tips to Effectively Search for Knowledge in Online Meetings
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