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Meeting Tips

Coaching Session Meeting Agenda (Free Template)

November 24, 2023
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Last updated
April 12, 2024
Jenna Pitkälä
Coaching Session Meeting Agenda (Free Template)
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Ever felt like your coaching sessions are more improv than impactful?

If you're looking to elevate your coaching sessions from good to exceptional, you're in the right place.

In this blog, we'll delve into:

  • What is a Coaching Session?
  • How to Plan Your Coaching Meeting
  • Free Coaching Session Agenda Template

What is a Coaching Session?

Instead of a boring update status meeting, imagine one where career growth, skill enhancement, and overcoming workplace challenges becomes the focus. This is the essence of professional coaching sessions.

In these sessions, two key players come together: the coach, often an experienced mentor with a knack for guiding others to professional excellence, and the client, who might be an up-and-coming talent within the company or an external entrepreneur refining their strategic vision.

Each step in the session is an exchange of ideas and experiences aimed at the client's professional growth. It's not a one-way street; both participants actively engage, with the coach providing insights and the client sharing their on-the-job experiences.

Far from a casual chat, these meetings are meticulously planned to be goal-oriented. They target workplace-specific ambitions, such as mastering conflict resolution, steering team dynamics, or enhancing effective communication.

Timeliness is key. The sessions are designed to fit into the demanding schedules of office professionals, ensuring that every minute counts towards making progress without overstepping the busy workday.

These coaching sessions are pivotal experiences for professionals who are eager to advance their careers within the corporate ladder, offering them tailored support to navigate the complexities of the corporate world and emerge as more competent and confident leaders.

How to Plan Your Coaching Meeting

To create a coaching meeting that resonates with office workers and managers, it's important to blend structure with personalization. Here’s how you can create an effective coaching meeting tailored to the needs of your team members.

Let AI Handle Notetaking

For town hall meetings to be more effective, it would be great if someone could write down our notes for us so that we could just focus on the discussion, right?

That's not only possible, it's also easy to do by utilizing AI tools like Wudpecker.

By automatically capturing and summarizing discussions, Wudpecker ensures that no crucial details are missed.

Having clear, concise summaries to refer back to later ensures that insights are acted upon, driving meaningful change.


  • Automatically joins and records your meetings, so there's no repeated setup
  • Summarizes the whole online meeting's discussions and action items for you (Note: if you're not meeting online, you can still set up a recording system in your physical room)
  • Takes max 10 (usually 1-2) minutes after the meeting to give you the summary
  • Is compatible with Google Meet, Zoom, and Microsoft Teams
  • Keeps record of notes from any previous meeting where Wudpecker was a participant.
  • Allows multiple people to have their own Wudpecker recorder in the meeting at the same time and receive their own notes in their account afterward
  • Lets you share the notes to other people

Here's how you set it up:

  1. Sign up for Wudpecker.
  2. Make sure your meeting shows up in your account and the notetaker is able to join it.
  3. Admit the notetaker in your virtual meeting.
  4. Access the meeting notes and transcription shortly after the meeting in your account. They stay safely stored in your account unless you remove them.

Identifying Strengths and Weaknesses

  • Start by acknowledging the strengths of each participant, which can reinforce their confidence and clarify their role within the team.
  • Equally important is to pinpoint areas for improvement, laying the groundwork for constructive discussions and personal growth.

Performance Evaluation

  • Encourage team members to perform a self-evaluation to gain insight into their self-perception and to identify any blind spots in their professional development.
  • A two-way conversation about performance allows for a balanced view and a shared understanding of areas to focus on.

Addressing Obstacles

  • Recognize the hurdles that might be hindering progress, such as time constraints or lack of resources.
  • Develop a strategic plan to navigate these challenges, incorporating solutions that can be tackled both independently and with support.

Goal Setting

  • Collaboratively set specific, achievable goals that align with the team member's career aspirations and the organization's objectives.
  • Differentiate between short-term targets and long-term aspirations to maintain motivation and direction.

Action Planning

  • For each goal, devise a clear action plan that outlines the steps necessary to achieve success.
  • The plan should be a mix of independent tasks and collaborative check-ins, ensuring accountability and support.

Regular Progress Check-ins

  • Establish a schedule for regular one-on-one meetings to monitor progress, reassess goals, and provide feedback.
  • These sessions are not just checkpoints but motivational touchpoints that can inspire continued effort and adjust the course as needed.

By focusing on these steps, a coaching meeting becomes a dynamic engine driving professional growth. It becomes an environment where each team member not only understands their role but also actively participates in their own development journey.

Free Coaching Session Agenda Template

To ensure that your coaching meetings are efficient and effective, it's helpful to have a structured template to guide the process. Here's a free coaching session agenda template that you can adapt to fit the unique needs of your team:

This template serves not just as an agenda but as a clear roadmap for both coach and client, ensuring that each session is a step forward in the journey toward professional excellence.


It's clear that the heart of effective coaching lies in meticulous planning, personalized approaches, and consistent follow-through. The power of a well-executed coaching session lies in its ability to act as a catalyst for professional transformation.

  • Coaching sessions aren't just meetings; they are incubators for growth, where office workers and managers can crystallize their goals, refine their skills, and navigate the complexities of the corporate landscape.
  • A tailored coaching agenda is more than an itinerary; it's a strategic blueprint that guides the coaching conversation towards meaningful outcomes and sustained professional development.
  • The value of these sessions extends beyond the meeting room, influencing the client's day-to-day actions and decisions, ultimately contributing to a culture of continuous improvement and success within the organization.

Remember that the journey of professional growth is ongoing. Each coaching session is a unique opportunity to reflect, plan, and act. And with each session guided by a thoughtful agenda, you can ensure that every moment spent is a step toward achieving the desired outcomes.


What is a coaching agenda?

A coaching agenda is a foundational component of the coaching process, serving as a strategic roadmap for both coach and client to navigate the coaching conversation.

It outlines the key topics, coaching objectives, and desired outcomes for each session, facilitating a structured approach to achieving specific goals.

A carefully crafted agenda is a valuable tool in any effective coaching program, ensuring that each coaching engagement is purposeful and time-bound.

How do you create a coaching agenda?

Creating a coaching agenda involves a collaborative and strategic approach, focused on the unique needs of the client within the coaching relationship. Here's how to craft one:

Understand Client Goals: Begin by identifying the client's personal and professional development goals to ensure the agenda aligns with their aspirations.

Assess Strengths and Challenges: Evaluate the client's strengths and the specific challenges they face, integrating these insights into the coaching process.

Set Clear Objectives: Establish clear coaching objectives that pave the way for the client to achieve success and make tangible progress.

Allocate Time Wisely: Designate allotted time for each agenda item, keeping the session time-bound to maintain focus and efficiency.

Build in Flexibility: While the agenda should be structured, allow room for the coaching conversations to evolve, ensuring that new insights can emerge organically.

By following these steps, you create a coaching agenda that serves as a valuable tool, guiding both the coach and the client through a structured yet adaptable coaching engagement.

What are the 5 basic elements of a coaching session?

The five basic elements of a coaching session include:

  1. Establishing the coaching relationship with open and effective communication.
  2. Engaging in coaching conversations that pinpoint the client's specific challenges.
  3. Goal setting to focus on achieving specific goals and tracking progress.
  4. Developing an action plan with actionable steps that include additional training if necessary.
  5. Providing constructive feedback to help the client stay focused and make necessary adjustments.

What should a coaching plan include?

A coaching plan should include:

  1. Personalized Goals: Specific to the client’s development needs and career aspirations.
  2. Action Items: Practical steps that the client can take to move toward their goals.
  3. Timelines: When each action item and goal should be completed.
  4. Resources: Any tools, support, or resources the client will need to achieve their goals.
  5. Measurement: Criteria for success and how progress will be tracked and evaluated.
  6. Feedback Mechanisms: How and when the coach will provide feedback to the client on their progress.
  7. Adjustment Protocols: A process for altering the plan based on changing circumstances or feedback.
Automatic quality online meeting notes
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Coaching Session Agenda

Date: [Insert Date]
Time: [Insert Start Time] - [Insert End Time]
Location: [Specify if it's an in-person or virtual meeting and provide necessary details or links]

Meeting Purpose:
[Clearly articulate the overarching goal or objective of the meeting]

1. Opening (5 minutes)

  • Warm welcome and personal check-in to establish rapport.
  • Quick recap of the client’s current position within the coaching plan and overarching professional objectives.

2. Review of Action Items (10 minutes)

  • Reflect on the progress of action points from the previous session.
  • Celebrate any milestones reached and troubleshoot any setbacks.

3. Self-Assessment Reflection (10 minutes)

  • Encourage the client to share their self-reflection insights.
  • Discuss the client's perceived strengths and potential areas for development.

4. Obstacle Analysis (10 minutes)

  • Pinpoint any new challenges since the last meeting.
  • Brainstorm solutions and strategies to navigate these obstacles.

5. Goal Refinement (15 minutes)

  • Revisit and fine-tune short-term and long-term goals to ensure they align with the client's personal and professional aspirations.
  • Make adjustments to ensure these goals stay relevant and challenging.

6. Action Plan Update (15 minutes)

  • Map out the next steps and strategies for new action items.
  • Detail resource needs, establish deadlines, and clarify responsibilities.

7. Skill Development Focus (10 minutes)

  • Choose a particular skill or area to concentrate on until the next session.
  • Discuss support systems, such as access to training materials or additional training sessions.

8. Closing (5 minutes)

  • Summarize the session’s key takeaways and agreed-upon next steps.
  • Confirm the next meeting's schedule and conclude with words of encouragement and confidence in the client's journey.
Coaching Session Meeting Agenda (Free Template)
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Coaching Session Meeting Agenda (Free Template)
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Coaching Session Meeting Agenda (Free Template)
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