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Meeting Tips

Design Review Meetings: Do This in 2024

January 12, 2024
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Last updated
January 12, 2024
Jenna Pitkälä
Design Review Meetings: Do This in 2024
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Meeting with designers but you feel like the meetings are a waste of time?

Maybe the communication is not clear enough, or assigned tasks get lost and they have to be repeated again and again.

Making this collaboration more seamless is challenging, but with the right tools and knowledge, it can work out.

Let's see how the review process is supposed to work and how to run design review meetings in a better way.

What Are Design Reviews?

Design review meetings, or design reviews, are collaborative sessions where teams critically assess a design against the project's requirements, goals, and user needs. They're held by a variety of teams and companies, particularly in sectors like technology, architecture, engineering, and product design.

The goal is to identify and resolve any issues before committing significant time and resources to the development of the product, thereby enhancing the design's effectiveness and efficiency.

In the early stages, a preliminary design review is often conducted to align initial design concepts with the project’s objectives. This review helps in identifying major issues before the design is further developed.

Following this, a conceptual design review may take place, focusing on the broader conceptual aspects of the design. This is particularly vital in ensuring that the design aligns not only with technical specifications but also with the overall vision and strategy of the project.

A typical design review meeting lasts 45-90 minutes.

These meetings come in various forms, each serving a specific purpose within the design process:

  1. Stakeholder Review: Involves key project stakeholders, focusing on the design's alignment with project objectives, budgets, and timelines.
  2. Peer Review: Conducted among the designer's colleagues or peers, focusing on technical aspects and overall improvement of the design.
  3. Customer Review: Gathers direct feedback from end users or customers, focusing on the user experience and the design's effectiveness in solving user problems.

Additionally, within these types of design review meetings, there are specific focus areas:

  • Technical Reviews: Deep dives into the technical details of the design, usually part of Peer Reviews.
  • Project Reviews: Have a broader scope, encompassing technical aspects as well as project-wide concerns like budget, resources, and scheduling, often included in Stakeholder Reviews.

Design review meetings can vary in their formality and frequency.

  • Formal: These reviews are scheduled in advance, follow a structured format, and typically include a wider range of stakeholders. Formal reviews are more common in Stakeholder and Project Reviews.
  • Informal: Often more ad-hoc, focusing on immediate design issues or ideas, and generally involve a smaller, more focused group of participants. Informal reviews are more typical in Peer Reviews and can be a precursor to more formal stakeholder meetings.

What Happens in the Design Review Process?

The design review process is a critical component of product development, involving a series of steps to ensure that designs meet project requirements and stakeholder expectations. Here's an overview of the typical process:

  1. Preparation for the Review: The design team prepares their presentation and any necessary materials. This might include setting the meeting date, scheduling the session, inviting participants, and outlining the agenda.
  2. Presentation of Design: The lead designer or design team presents the design work, providing context and detailing the user experience and creative process.
  3. Feedback Collection: Stakeholders, including project managers and other team members, discuss the design. They provide input, raise questions, and offer critiques.
  4. Feedback Prioritization: After the meeting, the lead designer assesses the feedback, prioritizing it based on its impact on the project's objectives and practicality.
  5. Implementation of Changes: The designer applies the prioritized changes to the design, refining it based on the team's collective input.
  6. Follow-Up Review: The updated design is presented in a subsequent meeting for additional review and feedback.
  7. Final Approval: The process repeats as necessary until the design meets all requirements and receives final approval from key decision-makers.

Different Ways to Conduct the Meeting

Round-Table Discussions

Round-Table Discussions are a traditional format where participants from various departments engage in open, unstructured dialogue about the design. This method is ideal for a dynamic exchange of ideas and perspectives.

However, it requires careful facilitation to prevent off-topic discussions and ensure that quieter members also get a chance to speak. This format is beneficial for getting diverse viewpoints and fostering a holistic understanding of the design's impact across different functions.

Feedback Workshops

Feedback Workshops are more structured compared to round-table discussions. The point is to organize feedback with tools such as a feedback matrix. Feedback might be segmented into categories like challenges, likes, questions, and ideas.

Participants contribute their feedback, often through Post-it notes or digital equivalents in remote settings.

This approach ensures that everyone has the opportunity to contribute, making it particularly effective for comprehensive and organized feedback collection. It's also well-suited for remote teams, using online collaborative tools.

Best Practices

For successful design review meetings, certain best practices are beneficial:

(1) Clear Objectives

Before the meeting, define what needs to be achieved, such as refining a particular design element or finalizing the user interface layout. This helps in focusing the discussion and making it productive.

Example: In a design review for a new app, set a specific goal like "Finalize the home screen layout and user navigation flow."

(2) Diverse Participation

Include stakeholders from different departments – design, engineering, marketing, and user experience – to bring a range of insights.

Example: For a website redesign, involve a UI/UX designer, a content strategist, and a front-end developer to cover all design aspects.

(3) Respectful Atmosphere

Maintain a respectful and open environment where all participants feel comfortable sharing their thoughts. This fosters a positive and collaborative atmosphere.

Example: Establish ground rules at the start of the meeting, such as 'no interrupting' and 'every idea is worth considering'.

(4) Effective Facilitation

Assign a facilitator to guide the discussion, ensure equal participation, and keep the meeting within the allocated time.

Example: Use techniques like round-robin (where each participant speaks in turn) to ensure everyone has a chance to contribute.

(5) Constructive Feedback

Encourage honest and constructive feedback, rather than just criticism. It should be specific, actionable, and aligned with the project's goals.

Also encourage participants to propose solutions on top of identifying issues.

Example: If a design element is not working, discuss alternative approaches or tweaks that could improve it.

(6) Documentation

Take detailed notes during the meeting to capture feedback, decisions, and action items. This is crucial for tracking changes and ensuring accountability.

Or outsource this task to AI.

Example: Use Wudpecker so that for each meeting, you have an intelligent summary, transcript, and audio recording all stored in an easy-to-access place. You can even ask AI for insights of any meeting whose notes or transcript you don't want to read through and analyze yourself.

(7) Follow-Up

Ensure that the decisions and action items from the meeting are communicated to all relevant parties. Set deadlines and assign responsibilities for each task. Set expectations about the next meeting's timing.

Example: Send a Slack message to the most relevant channel after the meeting with key points and next steps, along with who is responsible for each action item.

"👋 Quick update from today's design review:

  • 📆 John's updating the homepage layout by March 15th.
  • 🔄 We'll meet again on March 20th to review and discuss user navigation.
  • 📄 Check out these meeting notes for the detailed meeting summary.

Thanks for the great input today!"

Design Review Meeting Agenda Template

This agenda provides a structured approach to ensure a productive and focused design review meeting, accommodating feedback, discussion, and actionable outcomes.

Feel free to use and modify it according to your specific needs!


In this blog, we've explored the various facets of design review meetings – from their definition to conducting them effectively.

By understanding what these meetings entail and implementing best practices, you can significantly enhance the productivity and outcomes of your design process.

Remember, the key to a successful design review meeting lies in clear objectives, diverse participation, constructive feedback, and effective follow-through. Whether you're a project manager, a lead designer, or a stakeholder, applying these insights will contribute to a more collaborative, efficient, and result-oriented design review process.


What is a design review meeting?

A design review meeting is a structured session where project teams discuss and evaluate the design aspects of a project. It involves presenting designs, gathering feedback, and making decisions to guide the project's progression.

What should be included in a design review?

A design review should include the presentation of the current design or prototype, a thorough discussion for feedback, prioritization of this feedback, and decisions on the next steps for design alterations.

What is the purpose of design review?

The purpose of a design review is to ensure that the design aligns with the project's objectives and user needs, to gather diverse perspectives, and to identify areas for improvement or refinement in the design.

What are the three 3 types of review meetings?

The three common types of design review meetings are:

  1. Stakeholder Design Review: Focuses on aligning the design with project objectives, budgets, and timelines, involving key stakeholders such as clients, sponsors, and management teams.
  2. Peer Design Review: Conducted among the designer's colleagues or peers, this type of review centers on the technical feasibility and overall improvement of the design.
  3. Customer Design Review: Aims to gather feedback directly from end users or customers, focusing on user experience and the effectiveness of the design in addressing user problems.

These reviews play distinct roles in ensuring the overall success and alignment of a design project with its intended goals and user needs.

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Design Review Meeting Agenda Template

Date: [Insert Date]
Time: [Insert Time]
Location: [Insert Location or Virtual Meeting Link]
Duration: [Insert Expected Duration]

1. Introduction (10 Minutes)

  • Welcoming participants.
  • Overview of the design project.
  • Setting the meeting's objectives and ground rules.

2. Design Presentation (20 Minutes)

  • Lead designer presents the current design or prototype.
  • Walkthrough of design features and rationale.

3. Feedback Collection (30 Minutes)

  • Round-table or workshop-style feedback session.
  • Encouraging participants to share their thoughts.

4. Discussion and Initial Prioritization (20 Minutes)

  • Group discussion to prioritize feedback.
  • Identifying key areas for improvement.

5. Action Items and Next Steps (10 Minutes)

  • Deciding on immediate action items.
  • Assigning responsibilities and setting deadlines.

6. Conclusion (5 Minutes)

  • Summarizing the meeting's outcomes.
  • Scheduling the next review session if needed.

Design Review Meetings: Do This in 2024
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Design Review Meetings: Do This in 2024
Min Read
Design Review Meetings: Do This in 2024
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