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Meeting Tips

Guide to Sales One-on-One Meetings (With Template)

April 5, 2024
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Last updated
April 8, 2024
Anika Jahin
Guide to Sales One-on-One Meetings (With Template)
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Feeling like your sales conversations are stuck on repeat? Struggling to motivate your team and keep them on track for quota attainment? The solution might be closer than you think - effective one-on-one meetings.

These focused interactions go beyond routine check-ins. They're a powerful tool for fostering in-depth discussions, tackling specific sales challenges, and unlocking the full potential of your reps.

But how do you ensure your one-on-ones aren't just another meeting on the calendar? This blog equips you with everything you need to conduct successful one-on-one meetings that drive results, along with a one-on-one sales template to keep you organized and focused through these crucial interactions.

Sales One-on-One Meeting Template

Think of this template as a roadmap, keeping your meetings on track without being a rigid script. It allows you to cover essential areas while adapting to each rep's unique needs.

Feel free to adapt it to your specific needs and preferences.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Sales One-on-One Meetings

Effective sales one-on-one meetings are a powerful tool for boosting rep performance and driving sales success. However, even well-intentioned sales managers can fall into some common pitfalls.

Here are some key mistakes to avoid:

(1) Winging It

Don't go into the meeting unprepared. Develop a clear agenda beforehand, considering the rep's needs and any specific topics you want to address. This ensures a focused discussion and avoids wasting valuable time.

Example: Instead of walking into the meeting and saying, "So, how are things going?", come prepared with talking points like reviewing a specific deal the rep is struggling with or discussing an upcoming sales training opportunity that directly addresses a skill gap you've identified.

(2) Dominating the Conversation

Remember, these meetings are a two-way street. While you may have talking points, actively listen to the rep's concerns and challenges. Ask open-ended questions and encourage them to participate actively in the discussion.

Example: Instead of lecturing the rep on the latest sales methodology, ask questions like, "What are some challenges you've faced when qualifying leads lately?" or "How do you feel about the current sales script we're using? Are there any areas where it feels clunky or inauthentic?"

By actively listening and seeking the rep's perspective, you can tailor your coaching to their specific needs.

(3) Focusing Solely on Status Updates

Yes, reviewing performance metrics is important. However, one-on-ones shouldn't be just about reporting numbers. Use this time for deeper conversations about the rep's development, roadblocks, and coaching needs.

Example: Instead of spending the entire meeting reviewing call activity reports, delve into a specific deal that the rep lost and discuss the reasons behind it. Was it a qualification issue? Did they struggle with overcoming objections?

Use this opportunity to identify areas for improvement and develop strategies to address them in future sales interactions.

(4) Failing to Set Goals

One-on-ones are an ideal opportunity to set goals with your reps. These goals should align with the overall sales strategy and motivate the rep to strive for improvement.

Example: Instead of a vague goal of "improve closing rate," work with the rep to establish a goal like "Increase the closing rate for qualified leads by 10% within the next quarter through implementing the new objection handling techniques covered in the upcoming sales training."

This specific and measurable goal provides a clear roadmap for improvement.

(5) Lack of Structure and Consistency

Regularity and structure are key to effective coaching. Schedule recurring meetings and stick to a basic agenda format. This consistency allows for focused discussions and progress tracking over time.

Example: Develop a standard one-on-one meeting agenda template that you can adapt slightly for each rep based on their needs. This ensures a balance between covering essential topics (like performance review and goal setting) while also allowing space for open discussion of any challenges or opportunities specific to that rep.

(6) Forgetting About Recognition

Taking the time to acknowledge the rep's accomplishments, big or small, is crucial. Positive reinforcement motivates reps and fosters a culture of appreciation within the team.

Example: Did the rep close a deal that had been a long shot? Be sure to acknowledge their effort and perseverance during your one-on-one meeting. Public recognition at a team meeting can also be a great way to celebrate their success.

(7) Not Following Up

Don't let the conversation end after the meeting. Send a follow-up email summarizing key points, decisions, and action items. This ensures accountability and keeps both you and the rep on the same page.

Example: After your 1:1 meeting, send a quick email to the rep thanking them for their time and summarizing the key takeaways, including any action items assigned to them. This ensures clear communication and keeps everyone moving forward on the goals you established.

(8) Neglecting Feedback

Effective coaching requires providing constructive feedback on strengths and improvement areas. Deliver feedback in a positive and actionable manner to help the rep grow.

  • One-Size-Fits-All Approach: Tailor your coaching to the individual rep's needs and learning style. What works for one rep might not be effective for another.
  • Failing to Adapt: Be prepared to adapt the meeting agenda based on the rep's current situation or any pressing issues that may arise. Flexibility is key to ensuring a productive discussion.

Example: If you observe the direct reports struggling with presentations during sales calls, don't just tell them their presentations are weak. Offer specific and actionable feedback, such as suggesting they vary their delivery pace or recommending some resources on crafting compelling sales presentations.

(9) Overlooking Note-Taking

Throughout the conversation, don't forget to practice active listening skills. Pay close attention to the rep's verbal and nonverbal responses. This demonstrates your genuine interest and encourages open communication.

  • Taking Notes (with Permission): With the rep's consent, take notes during the meeting. This helps you remember key points, identify recurring themes, and track progress over time. Consider utilizing AI note-taking assistants like Wudpecker. Wudpecker's AI features automatically transcribe meetings and generate summaries, capturing key points and decisions.

How to Customize Your Sales One-on-One Template

The provided template offers a solid foundation for structuring your sales one-on-one meetings. However, to maximize their effectiveness, it's crucial to customize it to your specific needs and those of your sales team.

Here's how you can do that:

(1) Consider Rep Experience and Needs

  • New Reps: For new hires, devote more time to the "Getting to Know You" section to understand their background, strengths, and learning styles. Focus on initial onboarding goals and early development needs in the "Coaching and Development" section.
  • Experienced Reps: For seasoned reps, the focus might shift towards strategic discussions, advanced sales techniques, and goal setting aligned with their career aspirations.

(2) Align with Sales Methodology

  • If your team follows a specific sales methodology (e.g., Challenger Sale), incorporate elements of that methodology into the discussion during the "Review of Past Performance" and "Coaching and Development" sections.
  • Tailor questions and coaching points to address specific sales pipeline stages within your chosen methodology.

(3) Company Culture and Priorities

  • Company Culture: Adapt the template to reflect your company culture. If your environment is more casual, the tone of the meeting can be more relaxed while still maintaining professionalism.
  • Company Priorities: Consider any company-wide initiatives or sales priorities you want to emphasize during the meetings. This could involve incorporating discussions about specific product launches or new market segments.

(4) Time Allocation

The provided template offers suggested timeframes for each section. Feel free to adjust these based on your specific needs and the agenda for each meeting.

  • For shorter meetings: If you have limited time, prioritize essential elements like reviewing key metrics, setting goals, and addressing any pressing issues.
  • For in-depth discussions: If you have more time available, you can delve deeper into specific topics like coaching on a particular sales skill or discussing a complex deal in detail.

(5) Utilize Technology

There are many 1:1 meeting management tools available.

These tools can help you with tasks such as:

  • Scheduling meetings: Simplify scheduling and ensure both parties can find a suitable time.
  • Creating agendas: Build customized agendas for each meeting with pre-populated sections or templates.
  • Taking notes: Capture key points and action items electronically for easy reference and follow-up.
  • Sharing resources: Easily share relevant documents, articles, or training materials with your reps.


Effective sales one-on-one meetings are a cornerstone of building high-performing sales teams. By following the tips and templates outlined above, you can transform these meetings from routine check-ins into strategic coaching sessions that drive rep development, boost morale, and, ultimately, fuel sales growth.

Remember, the key is to be flexible and adapt your approach based on the individual rep and the specific needs of your sales team. By fostering open communication, providing constructive feedback, and setting clear goals, you can empower your reps to excel and achieve their full sales potential.


How Do You Run a Sales 1:1?

Running a sales 1:1 effectively involves careful preparation, clear communication, and a focus on growth and development.

Here’s a simple guide:

Before the Meeting

  1. Set Clear Objectives: Decide what you want to achieve in the meeting. This could be reviewing sales performance, setting goals, or discussing challenges.
  2. Gather Necessary Data: Collect any relevant sales data, performance metrics, or customer feedback that can inform the discussion.
  3. Create an Agenda: Draft a structured agenda to guide the meeting. Share the sales meeting agenda with the salesperson ahead of time so they can prepare, too.

During the Meeting

  • Review Performance: Start by reviewing the salesperson’s recent performance against their targets. Use data to make the discussion objective and constructive.
  • Discuss Challenges and Solutions: Talk about any challenges they’ve faced in achieving their sales goals. Work together to brainstorm solutions or strategies to overcome these obstacles.
  • Set Goals and Action Plans: Based on the review and discussion, set clear, achievable goals for the next period. Develop a specific action plan to achieve these goals, detailing what steps will be taken and by when.
  • Provide Feedback and Support: Offer constructive feedback on their sales approach, highlighting strengths and areas for improvement. Discuss how you can support them in achieving their goals, whether through training, resources, or mentoring.


  • Document Key Points: Summarize the discussion, agreed-upon goals, and action plans. Share this summary with the salesperson to ensure clarity and accountability.
  • Schedule the Next Meeting: Decide when to hold the next 1 on 1 to review progress on the action plan and goals set. This keeps the momentum going and shows ongoing support for their development.
  • Provide Ongoing Support: Don’t wait for the next scheduled 1 on 1 to offer help. Check-in regularly, offer resources, and be available to address any immediate concerns or challenges they encounter.

What Is a Good 1:1 Template?

The "good" 1:1 template, also referred to as the GOOD model, is about how to build trust and motivate reps to take ownership of their performance through open communication.

Here's a breakdown of the key elements:

G - Goals:

  • Discuss both professional goals and progress on goals set in the previous 1:1 meeting.
  • Ensure goals are SMART.
  • Consider adjusting goals based on current performance and market conditions.

O - Obstacles:

  • Identify any roadblocks or challenges hindering the rep's progress toward their goals.
  • This could include a lack of resources, unclear sales processes, or difficulty with specific sales techniques.
  • Brainstorm solutions collaboratively to help the rep overcome these obstacles.

O - Opportunities:

  • Discuss potential opportunities for further learning and professional growth.
  • This could involve recommending relevant training materials, workshops, or coaching sessions which will be good for their personal and professional growth.
  • Explore opportunities for the rep to take on new challenges or stretch assignments to enhance their skill set.

D - Decisions:

  • Agree on clear action items for the rep to move forward.
  • Ensure these action items are aligned with the goals set and address the identified obstacles.
  • Set deadlines and accountability measures for achieving these action items.

How Do You Structure a 1:1 Agenda?

Structure your one-on-one agenda to start with introductions and set expectations. For new reps, delve into their background and motivations. Briefly check in with established reps.

Review past performance metrics, goal progress, and any challenges encountered. Plan upcoming activities, discuss the sales pipeline, and collaboratively address obstacles using the GOOD model (reviewing goals, identifying roadblocks, exploring development opportunities).

Provide both constructive feedback and recognition. Wrap up by recapping key discussion points, assigning action items, and scheduling the next meeting. Remember, this is a flexible structure, so adjust the time allocation based on your needs and the rep's experience level.

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Date: [Insert Date]

Time: [Insert Start Time] - [Insert End Time]

Location: [Specify if it's an in-person or virtual meeting and provide necessary details or links]

1. Introductions & Setting the Stage (5 minutes)

  • Briefly welcome the rep and thank them for attending.
  • Briefly recap the format and expectations for sales one-on-ones (if this is the first meeting).

3. Checking Current Situation (10 minutes)

Ask questions to better understand the rep's current situation and challenges.

Here are some examples:

  • "What's going well in your role?"
  • "What challenges are you currently facing?"
  • "What, if anything, could be improved about the company or your role?"

4. Review of Past Performance (15 minutes)

  • Key Metrics: Discuss key sales metrics like quota attainment, closed deals, win rates, and activity levels with the sales rep.
  • Progress on Goals: Review progress toward goals set in the previous meeting.
  • Challenges and Roadblocks: Discuss any obstacles encountered during the previous period that hindered performance.

5. Discussion of Upcoming Activities (15 minutes)

  • Sales Pipeline Review: Review the rep's sales pipeline, focusing on upcoming opportunities and potential deals.
  • Sales Calls and Activities: Discuss and plan upcoming sales calls and activities for the next period. Identify any resources or support the rep may need.

6. Coaching and Development (10 minutes)

  • Skill Gaps: Based on the discussion and your understanding of the rep's role, identify any potential skill gaps.
  • Targeted Resources: Briefly discuss some resources or training opportunities that could address these skill gaps (e.g., sales methodology courses, product knowledge workshops, peer coaching sessions).
  • Initial Development Goals: Collaboratively set a few initial development goals for the rep. Ensure they are SMART.

7. Feedback and Recognition (10 minutes)

  • Constructive Feedback: Offer constructive feedback on the rep's performance in a positive and encouraging manner. Focus on both strengths and areas for improvement along with problem solving.
  • Recognition: Take the time to acknowledge the rep's accomplishments (no matter how big or small) to foster motivation and reinforce positive behaviors.

8. Next Steps and Follow-Up (5 minutes)

  • Recap and Action Items: Briefly recap key takeaways, decisions made, and action items assigned during the meeting.
  • Schedule Follow-Up Meeting: Set a date and time for the next one-on-one meeting to ensure consistent check-ins and ongoing support. Send a calendar invitation at least a week ahead to avoid any scheduling conflict.

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