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Meeting Tips

How to Draft a Perfect Pre-Meeting Email Template

April 19, 2024
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Last updated
April 19, 2024
Anika Jahin
How to Draft a Perfect Pre-Meeting Email Template
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In the world of sales and business development, email inboxes can feel overwhelming with constant communication—each day, countless cold emails and meeting invites vie for your attention.

When the inbox is so full of all these sales and business development emails, even pre-meeting messages struggle to stand out from the crowd. Countless cold outreach attempts and meeting invites often go unopened, failing to capture the recipient's attention. However, there is a way to make them stand out.

This blog is all about how to make the pre-meeting emails interesting and creative enough so that they get opened.

As we prepare to dive into the essentials of creating an effective pre-meeting email template, remember that this isn't just about getting your email opened—it's about laying the groundwork for productive, meaningful engagements.

Let's explore how you can cut through the noise and ensure your next pre-meeting email makes the right impact.

What Is a Pre-Meeting Email?

A pre-meeting email is a strategic communication sent before a scheduled meeting that serves several  purposes. Primarily, it...

  1. Confirms details of the upcoming meeting
  2. Outlines the agenda
  3. May include relevant documents or pre-reading materials needed for an effective discussion

This type of email helps set expectations and ensures that all participants are adequately prepared and understand what will be discussed.

The benefit of a pre-meeting email extends beyond mere logistics. It establishes a professional tone and demonstrates thorough preparation, which, in the end, can influence the meeting's outcome.

Clarifying the purpose and scope of a meeting enhances efficiency and builds rapport before it begins. This proactive approach can lead to productive meetings and well-informed decisions.

When to Send the Pre-Meeting Email

Knowing when to send your pre-meeting email is also essential for better utilization of its effectiveness.

Note: Smaller teams and companies with open communication channels may not always need a pre-meeting email. The key is to assess the complexity of the meeting and the information flow within your team.

However, even small meetings benefit from a pre-meeting email if you have external attendees (people from outside your company). This ensures everyone has the same information beforehand.

2-3 Business Days in Advance

The types of meetings that require a preparatory email well in advance are:

  1. complex meetings with detailed agendas
  2. meetings that require participants to go through pre-reads beforehand

Sending the email early empowers attendees by giving them time to fully grasp the agenda and materials. Attendees can come prepared with insightful questions and anticipate discussion points, ensuring everyone is on the same page.

Additionally, early distribution avoids technical headaches. Those with slower internet can download materials stress-free, fostering a level playing field for all. All of this translates to a more productive meeting.

Example: A meeting to discuss a new product launch with market research reports, competitor analysis, and a detailed marketing plan.

1 Business Day in Advance

For routine meetings with familiar attendees and established procedures, it's enough to send a reminder email one business day prior.

Especially if there's minimal new information to share beforehand, you don't need to remind people earlier.

These are regular meetings with a predictable format and participants who already understand the process.

A day's notice is sufficient for:

  • Refreshing memories about the meeting details.
  • Highlighting specific talking points or agenda items.

Example: A weekly team meeting to discuss project updates and upcoming deadlines.

A Few Hours in Advance

Urgent meetings addressing time-sensitive issues can suffice a few hours advance notice. While sending an email too close to the meeting isn't ideal, it's sometimes necessary for urgent matters.

However, strive to provide:

  • At least a few hours' notice for basic preparation.
  • A clear agenda outlining the pressing issue and desired outcome.

Example: A meeting to address a sudden supply chain disruption requiring immediate solutions.

For very short meetings (less than 30 minutes), a few hours' notice might be appropriate, especially if no preparation is required.

How to Write an Email for a Meeting

Creating a pre-meeting email can be challenging, despite knowing its basic elements.

Here's how to write a compelling pre-meeting email:

(1) Craft a Clear and Specific Subject Line

Start with a subject line that immediately informs the recipient about the purpose of the email. Include the meeting date and topic to grab attention and increase open rates.

Example: "Meeting Confirmation: [Meeting Topic] on [Date]" effectively conveys the necessary details. Remember, a personalized subject line can increase the likelihood of the email being opened by 22%.

(2) Begin with a Personal Greeting

Open your email with a friendly, personalized greeting to create a positive first impression.

Example: Address the recipient by name, such as "Hi [Name]!" or "Hello [Name]," to add a personal touch and establish a connection right from the start.

(3) The Reminder Paragraph

In a concise paragraph, remind the recipient of the meeting's purpose and what you expect to accomplish. This should reflect any previous communications and set the stage for the discussion:

Example: "I'm looking forward to our meeting scheduled at [time] on [date] at [location]. As discussed in our previous conversation, I will present insights on [product/service], which I believe aligns well with your current goals at [Company Name].

We aim to explore potential opportunities that can benefit both our teams."

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(4) Include Pre-Meeting Materials

If there are any reports, documents, or pre-reading materials that attendees need to review before the meeting, mention these in your email. Provide links or attach the files directly, and kindly request that all participants come prepared to discuss the content.

Example: "Please find attached the agenda for our meeting, along with the [specific reports] that will help frame our discussion. I appreciate you reviewing these materials in advance to make our meeting as productive as possible."

(5) Guide to Additional Resources

Your closing paragraph should guide the recipient to any additional content that could be useful for the meeting. This might include links to relevant white papers, videos, or case studies on your website.

Example: "You might find our latest white paper on [topic] insightful as it addresses some of the challenges we aim to discuss. You can view it here: [link]. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need further information prior to our meeting."

(6) Conclude with a Professional Closing

Finish your email with a polite closing statement that reiterates your anticipation for the meeting.

Example: "Looking forward to our discussion and exploring ways we can collaborate effectively. Thank you, and see you on [date]."

Best regards,

[Your Full Name]

[Your Position]

[Your Contact Information]

Pre-Meeting Email Template

While the specifics of your pre-meeting email content will vary depending on the meeting's nature, a well-structured template can serve as a valuable starting point.

Here's a customizable template you can adapt to your needs:


Feeling overwhelmed by endless meetings? Pre-meeting emails can be a strong practice to boost communication, enhance preparation, and streamline meetings.

By crafting clear, informative pre-meeting emails, you can ensure everyone arrives on the same page and ready to contribute. This translates to focused discussions, better decision-making, and meetings that drive results.

Next time you arrange a meeting, take a few moments to write a pre-meeting email. This investment will ultimately pay off.


How Do You Write a Pre-Meeting Email?

By investing a few minutes in a pre-meeting email, you can ensure everyone arrives prepared and ready to contribute, leading to more productive meetings.

These emails boost communication, prep attendees, and streamline meetings.

Craft a Winning Email:

  • Subject Line: Clear & concise (e.g., "Subject: Confirmation and Details for Upcoming Meeting on [Meeting Date]")
  • Greeting: Personalized (use names!)
  • Meeting Details: Briefly remind of date, time, location (virtual/physical)
  • Meeting Purpose: State the objective clearly
  • Optional: Include agenda, pre-reading materials, or call to action
  • Closing: Thank attendees, add a brief closing paragraph and express you're looking forward to it

How Do You Email That I Am Ready for the Meeting?

Here are a few ways to send a quick email to let someone know you're ready for the meeting:

  • Short and Simple: "Ready for the meeting!" or "I'm ready to join whenever you are."
  • Confirmation of Availability: "I'm ready for the meeting at [meeting time]. Please let me know if there's any delay."
  • Enthusiastic Approach: "Looking forward to our meeting! I'm dialed in and ready to go." (informal)

Additional Tips:

  • If you're joining a virtual meeting, you can also mention you're already on the platform (e.g., "In the Zoom meeting waiting!").
  • For important meetings, you can briefly mention you've reviewed the agenda or pre-reading materials (if applicable).

Here are some examples:

  • Subject: Ready for our meeting on [Topic]!
  • Body: Hi [Name], I Just wanted to let you know I'm ready for our meeting at [Meeting Time] to discuss [Meeting Topic]. I've reviewed the agenda and look forward to a productive discussion.

Remember to choose the approach that best suits your relationship with the recipient and the overall tone of the meeting.

How Do You Write an Email Requesting a Meeting?

Here is a summary of how to write an email requesting a meeting. But if you want a detailed overview, please take a look at this blog.

1. Subject Line: Craft a clear and engaging subject line that hints at the meeting's purpose.


  • "Join Us for a Strategic Planning Session on [Date]"
  • "Invitation: [Topic] Discussion, [Date] at [Time]"

2. Body of the Email:

  • Introduction: Start with a friendly greeting and a brief introduction that states the meeting's purpose.
  • Meeting Details: Provide essential details such as the date, time, location, and how to join (include a link for virtual meetings).
  • Agenda: Outline key discussion points to help attendees prepare.
  • Call to Action: Request attendees to RSVP and mention any preparations needed before the meeting.

3. Attachments and Links: Include any necessary pre-reading materials or documents as attachments or provide links.

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Pre-Meeting Email Template

Subject: Confirmation and Details for Upcoming Meeting on [Meeting Date]

Hi [Recipient's Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to confirm our upcoming meeting scheduled for [Date] at [Time], to be held at [Location]. This meeting will focus on [Main Topic of Discussion], and I am looking forward to your insights.

Purpose of the Meeting:

Our primary goal will be to discuss [briefly state the purpose]. This aligns with our ongoing strategies/initiatives and is crucial for our next steps moving forward.

Pre-Meeting Preparations:

To ensure that our meeting is as productive as possible, I have attached several documents that include the meeting agenda, our previous meeting minutes, and other relevant materials regarding the topics to be discussed. Please review these documents prior to our meeting:

[Link to or mention the document: Meeting Agenda]

[Link to or mention the document: Background Information]

[Link to or mention the document: Any Reports or Data Files Needed for Discussion]

Additional Resources:

For more context on the discussion topics, please consider reviewing the following resources:

[Link to White Paper/Case Study]

[Link to Educational Video/Product Demo]

Your insights on these topics would be invaluable, and I would appreciate any feedback or additional points you think should be covered during our session.

Confirm Your Availability:

Please confirm your availability for the scheduled date and time, and let me know if you require any adjustments or have other suggestions for the agenda.

Questions or Further Assistance:

Should you have any questions about the agenda or require further assistance in preparing for the meeting, feel free to contact me at your earliest convenience. I am here to assist in any way I can to facilitate a fruitful discussion.

Looking forward to our meeting and to productive outcomes.

Best regards,

[Your Full Name]

[Your Job Title]

[Your Contact Information]

[Your Company Name, Optional]

[Your LinkedIn Profile or Professional Website, Optional]


  • Replace the bracketed information with your specific meeting details.
  • Personalize the greeting by using the recipient’s name to create a connection.
  • Include the optional sections only if relevant to your meeting.
  • Maintain a professional and concise tone throughout the email.
How to Draft a Perfect Pre-Meeting Email Template
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How to Draft a Perfect Pre-Meeting Email Template
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How to Draft a Perfect Pre-Meeting Email Template
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