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Meeting Tips

How To Get Free Podcast Transcripts Instantly (And Why You Should)

November 24, 2023
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Last updated
February 15, 2024
Jenna Pitkälä
How To Get Free Podcast Transcripts Instantly (And Why You Should)
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Ever wondered why your podcast isn't reaching as many listeners as it could? Or perhaps you'd like help with the tedious editing process?

In the vast world of podcasting, a vital yet often overlooked component is podcast transcription. Want to stay ahead of most podcasters? You're in the right place.

While podcasts engage audiences with their auditory charm, their textual counterpart — the podcast transcript — amplifies reach and accessibility.

A podcast transcript, meticulously crafted and often undervalued, serves as a bridge, connecting the vibrant world of auditory content with the structured, searchable, and accessible realm of written text.

It is not merely a static representation of spoken words but a dynamic, versatile entity that amplifies the reach and impact of podcast episodes, ensuring that the rich content embedded within the waves of podcast audio is not confined to the auditory domain but extends its influence into the textual and visual spheres of content consumption and sharing.

In an era where content is king and accessibility is paramount, the role of transcription in podcasting transcends mere text creation, emerging as a vital tool that ensures podcast episodes are not only heard but also read, shared, and engaged with, across diverse platforms, mediums, and audiences.

The act to transcribe your podcast, therefore, becomes an inclusive practice, a nod towards acknowledging and catering to the varied preferences and needs of a diverse listener base, which spans across different abilities, environments, and content consumption habits.

As we embark on this explorative journey into the world of podcast transcription, we shall delve into its multifaceted benefits, unravel the processes and tools that facilitate accurate and efficient transcription, and explore the myriad of ways through which podcasters around the globe are leveraging these transcription services to enhance their content, maximize their reach, and provide an enriched, accessible, and user-friendly experience to more listeners.

In the sections that follow, we shall illuminate the benefits of podcast transcriptions, providing a detailed exploration into how they enhance accessibility, maximize SEO reach, facilitate backlink opportunities, create repurposable content, and streamline the editing process of podcast episodes. Furthermore, we shall navigate through the practical aspects of a podcast transcription service, exploring the tools, services, and processes that enable podcasters to transcribe audio, ensuring that their valuable content is accessible, discoverable, and enjoyable in text format, thereby elevating the overall podcasting experience for creators and listeners alike.

In this blog, we'll cover...

  1. Why You Should Transcribe Podcasts
  • Maximizing SEO Reach
  • Unlocking Backlink Opportunities
  • More Accessibility, More Audience
  • Repurposing Content
  • Streamlining Editing
  1. How You Should Transcribe Your Podcast
  • Wudpecker's free note-taker/transcription tool
  1. How You Should Utilize the Podcast Transcript
  • Enhance Discoverability and Accessibility
  • Create Additional Content and Resources
  • Facilitate Audience Engagement and Interaction
  • Complement the Listener Experience

Let's get started as we traverse through the intricate pathways of podcast transcription, exploring, understanding, and appreciating the silent yet powerful impact of transforming podcast audio into text, thereby unlocking new dimensions of accessibility, engagement, and content amplification in the enthralling world of podcasting.

Why You Should Transcribe Podcasts

Transcribing podcasts turns audio content into written text, making it more accessible and versatile. While it might seem like just writing down what's said, transcription actually helps podcasts reach a broader audience. It also aids you in the production process of a podcast. Here's what we mean:

Maximizing SEO Reach

In the online sphere, visibility is closely tied to searchability. Podcast transcriptions play a pivotal role in this aspect.

- Search Engines' Preference: Though podcasts captivate listeners, search engines "read" rather than "listen." Transcribing ensures your content is discernible to platforms like Google.

- Keyword Potential: Once transcribed, every spoken word holds potential as a keyword. This rich, textual content allows your episodes to be discovered easily by internet users.

- Strategic SEO Integration: Beyond mere transcription, you can strategically embed relevant keywords to help your podcast rank higher in search results.

Unlocking Backlink Opportunities

Your transcriptions aren't just text; they're a gateway to broader digital connectivity.

- Valuable Reference: Other platforms and websites can reference the in-depth information from your transcripts, enhancing your podcast's visibility.

- Backlinks Boost SEO: When other digital entities reference your content, it strengthens your SEO foundation.

- Versatile Content Creation: Transcripts can be repurposed. They can inspire blogs, articles, and other content, each becoming a potential source of new backlinks.

More Accessibility, More Audience

Transcribing your podcasts ensures they resonate with a wider audience.

- Beyond Listening: Transcriptions cater to those who might be in noisy environments, are hearing-impaired, or simply prefer reading.

- Universal Access: Offering text alternatives means embracing the varied preferences of your diverse audience, ensuring no one is left out.

Repurposing Content

The value of your podcast can extend far beyond the episode itself with the help of transcripts.

- Branching into Diverse Content: Your transcript can be the foundation for blogs, social media posts, or infographics, reaching different audience segments.

- Content Customization: With a transcript in hand, you can tailor content to fit different platforms or audience needs.

- Supplementary Materials: Transcripts can lead to the creation of valuable additions like show notes or episode summaries, enhancing listener engagement.

Streamlining Editing

Editing is a meticulous task, and transcripts can significantly ease the process.

- Quick Reference: Editors can avoid the repetitive task of playing back audio, using the transcript as a quick reference instead.

- A Clear Blueprint: Transcripts offer a visual layout of the episode, making it straightforward to spot areas needing edits or refinements.

- Ensuring Accuracy: With a transcript as a reference, editors can cross-check to ensure the final audio is both accurate and of high quality.

How You Should Transcribe Your Podcast

Creating a transcript has never been this easy. Gone are the days where you have to write down everything yourself and play the audio back a few times before you understand what someone said. You only need to choose the right tools to automate this process.

Wudpecker's free podcast transcription tool

Wudpecker records audio from your meetings and creates both concise meeting summaries but also the transcript in no more than 10 minutes (but typically only one or two). It uses the latest AI-technology to provide you with an easy transcription service.

Let's see how it works in practice.

First, log in to your Wudpecker account or sign up through a Google or Microsoft account to seamlessly connect your calendar events with Wudpecker.

After signing in, allow Wudpecker access to your calendar and it'll connect to your (Zoom, Google Meet or Microsoft Teams) meetings automatically.

screenshot of wudpecker's browser app showing upcoming calls

Wudpecker also automatically joins your meetings, symbolized by the blue toggle button. You can also disable Wudpecker from joining any meeting. If for some reason you can't make the button blue, make sure you have a meeting link in your event. If it still doesn't work, check that the meeting link is in the "location" of your meeting.

Now you're ready to start recording your podcast. It doesn't matter which platform you use for it. If it's not Google Meet, Microsoft Teams or Zoom, simply set up an extra virtual meeting alongside your podcast recording in one of those services so that you'll get Wudpecker's notetaker working. Just make sure your voice can be clearly heard in both the podcast session and the Wudpecker meeting.

Screenshot from an online meeting, showing Notetaker as a participant.
In the Wudpecker meeting, wait till you get a request from the note-taker to join, and accept the request. Make sure not to kick it out of the meeting because it's there to record audio. It might look something like this.

When you're done recording your episode, just leave the meeting and go to your Wudpecker browser app. The meeting notes should be generated in a few minutes, no longer than 10 (you'll see the state of the progress in My Calls). Your meeting notes will show up under Recent calls and in My Calls.

Wudpecker notes in Listen view
"Listen" view in notes.

Now, click the meeting and press "Listen".

If you want to go to a specific time stamp in the transcript, just press that line of speech and you can start listening to that exact moment in the recording. You can also manually drag the recording bar and change the playback speed. You can manually copy any part of the transcript.

Podcast audio transcriptions have a lot of potential

Once transcribed, the podcast transcript becomes a versatile, valuable asset that can be utilized in various ways to enhance the reach, accessibility, and impact of your podcast episodes. Let's dive deeper into the different ways to achieve these goals:

How You Should Utilize the Podcast Transcript

Podcast transcriptions, while inherently valuable, can be utilized in myriad ways to amplify their impact, enhance the reach and accessibility of podcast episodes, and provide additional value to both creators and listeners.

1. Enhance Discoverability and Accessibility

Transcribing your podcasts has dual benefits: it makes your content more discoverable by search engines and ensures it's accessible to a diverse audience, including those with hearing impairments or language barriers.

Integrating Transcripts into Your Website:

  • As a Separate Web Page: Dedicate a page for each podcast episode's transcript. This not only provides content for search engines to index but also gives readers an option to follow along or review later.
  • Embed as Subtitles: Use tools or plugins to sync your transcript with the podcast audio, turning them into real-time subtitles or captions. This aids listeners who might have trouble catching every word or those who are hard of hearing.
  • Downloadable PDFs: Offer transcripts as downloadable documents. This allows listeners to save, print, or read offline.

Optimizing Transcripts for SEO: Infuse transcripts with strategic keywords relevant to the episode's content. For example, if discussing "sustainable farming," include terms like "organic agriculture" or "eco-friendly farming practices."

Ensuring Accessibility:

  • Collaborate with Platforms: Partner with platforms catering to the differently-abled, like platforms offering audio descriptions or specialized accessibility tools.
  • Provide Translation Options: Consider offering translated versions of your transcripts for non-native speakers, broadening your podcast's reach.

2. Create Additional Content and Resources

Transcriptions serve as a rich source from which various forms of content and resources can be created for additional value. From blogs, articles, and social media posts to guides, summaries, and infographics, transcripts provide a structured, detailed foundation upon which additional content can be crafted.

Repurpose Transcripts:

  • Into Blogs and Articles: For instance, if an episode features an interview with a climate scientist discussing global warming, you can craft an in-depth article titled "Expert Insights: The Future of Our Warming Planet." This not only serves as supplementary reading but can also attract a readership interested in detailed, text-based content.
  • Into Visual Content: Visualize key insights from your podcast episode into engaging infographics or social media posts. A discussion on the "Top 5 Ways to Negotiate Better" can be turned into a visually appealing chart, where you can also share a link to your podcast.

3. Facilitate Audience Engagement and Interaction

Transcripts can transform passive listening into an active, engaging experience.

Listeners can use transcripts to easily locate specific information, quotes, or insights. Unlike rewinding or fast-forwarding through an audio file, a text transcript allows for quick searches using functions like Ctrl + F, making it simpler to reference or revisit certain segments.

Furthermore, transcripts can be shared, quoted, and referenced across various platforms, facilitating discussions, interactions, and engagement among listeners and communities.

  • Highlight Key Quotes: If a guest on your podcast shares a profound insight like, "Mental health is as crucial as physical health," highlight and share it across social media, prompting discussions and shares.
  • Drive Discussions: Use transcripts to pinpoint controversial or thought-provoking statements and share them on platforms like Reddit or LinkedIn to stimulate debate. Linking back to the full transcript allows users to understand the context, fostering richer, more informed discussions.
  • Easy Navigation: Emphasize the benefit of having a complete transcript over just subtitles. While subtitles offer moment-to-moment readability, a transcript allows listeners to quickly search for and locate specific segments of the episode without scrubbing through the audio.

4. Complement the Listener Experience

Transcripts can enrich the listener's journey, making each episode more than just an auditory experience.

  • Provide Additional Resources: For an episode discussing "Stress Management Techniques," accompany the transcript with a downloadable guide featuring relaxation exercises, recommended reading, or links to relevant online resources.
  • Interactive Content: Transcripts can be the backbone of interactive endeavors.
  • Quizzes: Platforms like Quizlet or Kahoot allow you to create quizzes. If you have an episode discussing "The History of the Renaissance," design a quiz testing listeners on key points. The transcript ensures accuracy in your questions and answers.
  • Interactive Timelines: For episodes that discuss events chronologically, tools like Tiki-Toki can help design interactive timelines. A podcast episode detailing "The Evolution of Rock Music" can be complemented with a timeline, where listeners click through significant eras, aided by excerpts from the transcript.
  • Discussion Boards: Platforms like Disqus can be embedded into websites, allowing listeners to discuss episodes. Sharing specific parts of the transcript can help listeners reference exact moments, promoting detailed discussions.


Throughout this blog, we've delved into the significance of podcast transcription, highlighting its multifaceted benefits from enhancing accessibility to optimizing discoverability. Beyond just underscoring its importance, we've also provided insights on how to effectively transcribe podcasts and utilize these transcriptions to their fullest potential.

By adopting and implementing these podcast transcription practices, podcast content becomes more versatile, reaching and resonating with a broader, diverse audience across various platforms.


Can you get transcripts from podcasts for free?

Absolutely you can! Try Wudpecker's note-taking tool while recording your podcast episode, and enjoy the written form of your episode later on. It's free to use up to a certain amount of meetings per month.

How can you get transcripts of podcast's audio?

Check out the step-by-step tutorial in this blog under the title "How You Should Transcribe Your Podcast".

Are podcast transcripts worth it?

Yes, if you want your podcast to be more accessible, trend better on Google search, and have the ability to be transformed into other types of media (blog posts, infographs, etc).

Automatic quality online meeting notes
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How To Get Free Podcast Transcripts Instantly (And Why You Should)
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How To Get Free Podcast Transcripts Instantly (And Why You Should)
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How To Get Free Podcast Transcripts Instantly (And Why You Should)
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