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Meeting Tips

How To Run A Successful Quarterly Meeting

November 24, 2023
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Last updated
January 5, 2024
Jenna Pitkälä
How To Run A Successful Quarterly Meeting
Table of contents
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In the bustling world of business, where days blur into weeks and weeks into months, pausing to strategize and plan is crucial. That's why we have quarterly meetings – the boardrooms' rhythmic drumbeats that synchronize a company's pulse, aligning visions, setting goals, and charting the course for the months ahead.

Whether you're a....

  • Top-Level Executive who needs an overview of the entire company's performance,
  • Department Head or Manager needing to align their teams with the company's broader goals,
  • Team Lead or Individual Contributor who provides updates and insights from the ground level,
  • HR Professional who might use the quarterly meeting as a platform for employee engagement, feedback, and organizational development, or
  • Startup or Small Business Owner who might be new to the concept of structured quarterly planning...

this blog post is for you!

We will provide you with comprehensive insights into conducting these meetings effectively. Dive in to understand the essence, best practices, and common challenges of quarterly meetings, and arm yourself with knowledge to lead with confidence.

In this blog, we'll cover:

  1. What Is Quarterly Planning?
  2. What to Actually Do for an Effective Quarterly Meeting
  3. Best Practices for Conducting Quarterly Meetings
  4. Common Challenges & Solutions
  5. Conclusion
  6. FAQs

What Is Quarterly Planning?

Meeting and planning every three months, or quarterly, is like using a compass. It ensures businesses are heading the right way, even if adjustments are needed. While daily tasks keep things moving, it's the big-picture goals that guide the direction.

Quarterly vs. Annual Planning

Annual goals set the overarching vision for a business, painting a picture of where a company aims to be. On the other hand, quarterly objectives break this vision down into actionable segments. It's about having a detailed route for the year, with each quarter serving as a significant milestone on this journey.

Why Is Quarterly Planning Essential?

Focusing in the Right Direction: In a world filled with distractions, quarterly planning offers clarity. It's a structured approach ensuring that every member knows the goals for the coming months, and the steps to achieve them. This way teams also work like well-oiled machines, because everyone knows their role.

Measuring Progress: Feedback is the breakfast of champions. Through these meetings, teams can evaluate their progress against set benchmarks. This not only helps in celebrating successes but also in identifying areas that need more attention.

Adaptability: The only constant in business is change. Whether it's market dynamics, customer preferences, or technological advancements, businesses face a myriad of variables. Quarterly planning provides a structured platform to address these variables, allowing teams to adapt their strategies in response to changing circumstances.

Who's Invited?

Quarterly meetings can be as varied as the threads that constitute it, ranging from company-wide assemblies to intricate, department-specific huddles. This is also why who can attend depends on the situation.

Company-Wide Gatherings: Orchestrated by the top-tier leadership, these sessions delve into the macroscopic view of the company. Topics span financial milestones, strategic shifts, market challenges, and an overarching assessment of the company's vitality. It's a synthesis of looking back and gazing forward, marrying the past quarter's achievements with the aspirations for the next.

Departmental Huddles: These are more microscopic in their approach. For example:

  • Sales teams might chart lead conversions, client feedback, and potential market hurdles.
  • HR folks could delve into the nuances of hiring, employee morale, and retention paradigms.
  • Marketing enthusiasts would dissect campaign impacts, brand resonance, and blueprint upcoming product launches.
  • R&D or Product Teams would navigate the terrains of innovation, product feedback, and imminent roll-outs.

When Should Quarterly Meetings Take Place?

Typically, these are the times of year for each quarterly meeting:

Q1: January - March

Q2: April - June

Q3: July - September

Q4: October - December

What to Actually Do For an Effective Quarterly Meeting

Quarterly meetings serve as pivotal junctions for reflection and forward planning. To maximize their efficacy, addressing specific components in a structured sequence is crucial:

1. Review of the Previous Quarter:
- Explanation
: Begin by evaluating the past three months, analyzing achievements versus plans. This includes reviewing Key Results from the previous quarter's OKRs and measuring performance via KPIs.
- Importance
: Past performance insights set the foundation for informed future planning, allowing teams to celebrate successes and learn from challenges.

2. Setting Broad Objectives for the Next Quarter:
- Explanation
: Drawing from the previous quarter's review and the company's overarching vision, teams chart out objectives for the upcoming quarter.
- Importance
: These goals ensure clarity on the broader direction and vision for the next three months.

3. Defining 90-Day Goals:
- Explanation
: Delve deeper by setting specific, actionable 90-day goals that provide concrete targets within the broader objectives.
- Importance
: Such goals offer clarity on the tangible outcomes the team aims to achieve, ensuring focus and direction.

4. Detailing Key Results:
- Explanation
: For each objective and 90-day goal, define measurable Key Results to quantify success.
- Importance
: They offer a clear metric for tracking progress and determining achievement levels throughout the quarter.

5. Action Plan – Critical To-Dos:
- Explanation
: With broad and specific goals plus key results in place, outline the actionable and critical to-dos pivotal for goal realization.
- Importance
: This roadmap ensures every member is aware of their tasks, fostering collective effort towards shared milestones.

By sequentially addressing these components in a quarterly meeting, teams can transition from a comprehensive past performance review to a clear, actionable strategy for the upcoming months.

Best Practices for Conducting Quarterly Meetings

How you conduct a successful quarterly meeting requires more than just assembling the team. It's a blend of preparation, engagement, and structured approach. Here's a dive into the practices that ensure the effectiveness of these meetings:


Before the meeting, circulate a detailed agenda outlining discussion topics, preparatory materials, and expected outcomes. A prepared team ensures the meeting stays on track, and everyone starts on the same page.


Respect everyone's time. While in-depth discussions are essential, it's crucial not to overextend. Industry standards often suggest 60-90 minutes as an ideal duration, but this can vary based on your team's needs. A well-timed meeting ensures sustained engagement and focused discussions.

Engaging Participation

Encourage every team member to actively participate. It's not just about listening to updates but fostering an environment where everyone feels comfortable sharing insights, feedback, and reasons for concern. Diverse perspectives can boost morale, lead to more comprehensive strategies and solutions.

Facilitating Constructive Feedback

Feedback, both positive and negative, is vital. But it's essential that it's constructive. For example, instead of saying, "Your presentation lacked depth," one could say, "Including more data in your presentation could offer more clarity to stakeholders."

Train team leads to provide actionable feedback that can guide team members in improving their performance in the upcoming quarter.

Templates & Tools

One great tool for gathering feedback from meetings is SurveyMonkey.

Leveraging meeting agenda templates from platforms like Taskade or ClickUp can significantly streamline the meeting process. These tools offer structured formats and features to track various components like objectives, KPIs, and more.

You can also just use our template:

Having a consistent structure across meetings ensures clarity, reduces oversight, and offers a clear roadmap for discussions, making the entire process more efficient.

Another highly beneficial tool for online gatherings is an automated AI-powered note-taker. Why is meeting documentation so important and how does it work in practice?

  • For the Current Meeting: Use the online meeting note-taking tool, Wudpecker, to record and summarize the quarterly meeting itself. This will ensure that all points discussed are well-documented, making it possible to refer back to it for clarity or follow-ups.
  • For Future Meetings: Implement Wudpecker from the start of the next quarter to automatically record and summarize regular check-ins or meetings with team members. This proactive approach will ensure comprehensive and accurate records of discussions, streamlining future quarterly meetings.

Manual note-taking in any meeting can also be distracting. AI tools allow participants to focus entirely on the conversation.

Note: if you're not planning on meeting online, you can still set up a recording system in your physical room so that you don't have to worry about scrambling down notes yourself.

More about Wudpecker:

  • Compatible with Google Meet, Zoom, and Microsoft Teams.
  • Makes a transcript, TL;DR, Summary, and Action Items list from the whole conversation.
  • You don’t have to write a single word of notes yourself
  • Aids in revisiting and comprehending crucial points across meetings.
  • Makes finding information and knowledge from previous meetings a breeze.
  • Multiple people can have their own Wudpecker recorder in the meeting at the same time and receive their own notes in their account afterward. The notes can also be shared to other people.
Wudpecker's automatically generated meeting notes, including TL;DR, Summary and Action Items
A simplified example of what Wudpecker's meeting notes can look like.

Common Challenges & Solutions

Even with the best intentions and preparations, quarterly meetings can sometimes face obstacles that hinder their effectiveness. Recognizing these challenges and being equipped with solutions can transform these potential roadblocks into stepping stones for improvement. Here's a look at some common challenges and their remedies:

Challenge: Overloaded Agendas

  • Explanation: Often, teams try to cram too much into a quarterly meeting, leading to an overwhelming agenda that's difficult to cover comprehensively.
  • Solution: Prioritize topics based on their significance and relevance. If necessary, allocate separate meet-ups for specific discussions or delegate them to smaller teams. Remember, quality over quantity is the key.

Challenge: Dominating Voices

  • Explanation: Sometimes, a few individuals might dominate the conversation, leaving little room for others to voice their opinions or concerns.
  • Solution: Implement structured speaking times or use facilitation techniques to ensure everyone has an opportunity to speak. Encouraging a culture of respect and active listening can also help in balancing participation.

Challenge: Lack of Clear Outcomes

  • Explanation: Meetings that end without clear next steps or decisions can leave participants feeling the session was unproductive.
  • Solution: Always conclude the meet-up with a summary of decisions made, next steps and follow-ups needed. Having a dedicated note-taker like Wudpecker can assist in this. Wudpecker provides meeting summaries, which include action items.

Challenge: Off-Topic Discussions

  • Explanation: It's not uncommon for discussions to veer off-course, leading to prolonged meetings without achieving the primary goals.
  • Solution: Having a strong facilitator who can gently steer conversations back on track is essential. Referring back to the agenda and setting time limits for each topic can also help maintain focus.

Challenge: Inadequate Follow-Up

  • Explanation: Without proper follow-up, decisions made during the quarterly meeting might not translate into action.
  • Solution: Schedule follow-up sessions or check-ins to review progress on the decisions and action items from the quarterly meeting. Utilizing tools that track tasks and milestones can also ensure accountability.

Incorporating these solutions can help teams navigate the potential pitfalls of quarterly meetings, ensuring these sessions are not just routine but pivotal moments of strategic planning and alignment.


The rhythm of business is punctuated by various meetings, but quarterly meetings stand out as instrumental junctures that harmonize past learnings with future strategies. They're more than just check-ins or updates; they're strategic conclaves that set the tone for the next three months.

Recap: As we've explored, the key to a successful quarterly meeting lies in understanding its essence, recognizing its pivotal components, practicing efficient execution, and navigating common challenges with foresight. It's about ensuring alignment with the company's broader vision, fostering open communication, celebrating successes, and planning for future milestones.

Call to Action: As you gear up for your next quarterly meeting, consider implementing the insights shared in this guide. Reflect on the practices that have worked for your team and the challenges you've faced. By continuously revisiting and refining your approach, you pave the way for more productive and impactful meetings in the future.


Is a quarterly meeting every 3 months?

Yes, a quarterly meeting is held every 3 months. The term "quarterly" refers to the division of a year into four parts, each spanning three months. Therefore, businesses typically hold these meetings four times a year to review the past quarter and plan for the upcoming one.

What is quarterly planning meeting?

A quarterly planning meeting is a strategic session where teams or departments come together to review their performance over the past three months and set goals for the next quarter. It's a time to reflect on achievements, challenges, and align on priorities moving forward.

How long are quarterly meetings?

The duration of these meetings can vary based on the agenda, the size of the team, and the topics of discussion. However, based on industry standards, an ideal duration for a quarterly meeting is often between 60-90 minutes. It's essential to strike a balance to ensure thorough discussions without causing meeting fatigue.

How do you run a quarterly team meeting?

Running an effective quarterly team meeting involves several steps:

  1. Preparation: Circulate an agenda in advance, detailing the topics of discussion.
  2. Participation: Encourage active participation from all team members.
  3. Review: Reflect on the team's performance during the past quarter.
  4. Planning: Set clear goals for the upcoming quarter.
  5. Feedback: Facilitate constructive feedback sessions.
  6. Follow-up: Conclude with clear actionable tasks and responsibilities.

By following these steps and ensuring open communication, a quarterly team meeting can be both productive and engaging.

Automatic quality online meeting notes
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Quarterly Meeting Agenda (Copyable Template)

Date: [Insert Date]
Time: [Insert Start Time] - [Insert End Time]
Location: [Specify if it's an in-person or virtual meeting and provide necessary details or links]

1. Opening (5 minutes)

  • Brief welcome and purpose of the meeting.

2. Review of the Previous Quarter (15 minutes)

  • Overview of achievements vs. plans.
  • Assess Key Results from previous quarter's OKRs.
  • Evaluate performance using KPIs.

3. Setting Broad Objectives for the Next Quarter (10 minutes)

  • Derive objectives based on past insights and company vision.

4. Defining 90-Day Goals (10 minutes)

  • Establish specific, actionable goals aligned with broader objectives.

5. Detailing Key Results (10 minutes)

  • Assign measurable metrics for each 90-day goal.

6. Action Plan – Critical To-Dos (10 minutes)

  • List pivotal actions required for goal realization.

7. Team Alignment & Responsibilities (10 minutes)

  • Assign tasks to team members based on the action plan.

8. Open Discussion (10 minutes)

  • Allow for questions, clarifications, and suggestions.

9. Closing Remarks (5 minutes)

  • Recap key takeaways and next steps.

Notes and Pre-Meeting Reads

  • Possible reminders, announcements, any other pre-meeting items
How To Run A Successful Quarterly Meeting
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How To Run A Successful Quarterly Meeting
Min Read
How To Run A Successful Quarterly Meeting
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