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Meeting Tips

How to Write a Meeting Purpose (Objectives + Agenda)

November 24, 2023
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Last updated
January 4, 2024
Jenna Pitkälä
How to Write a Meeting Purpose (Objectives + Agenda)
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We all know the feeling of going into a meeting, not knowing what the point is. At the end, you think it could have been an email or a Slack message with a team member.

One solution to this is to always make sure to have a clear meeting purpose. It's a way for you and others to check that a meeting is actually worth the time and effort.

Whether you're leading a team or just aiming to make your meetings more productive, understanding the nuances of a meeting planning process is key.

In this blog, we’ll delve into the intricacies of defining a meeting purpose, crafting impactful purpose statements, aligning objectives with agendas, and ensuring that every meeting you conduct is a good use of time.

For more effective meetings, you'll learn specifically about:

  • What is a Meeting Purpose?
  • Crafting a Compelling Meeting Purpose Statement
  • Aligning Purpose with Objectives and Agenda

What is a Meeting Purpose?

The meeting purpose is the fundamental meeting objective or goal that your gathering aims to achieve. Think of it as the mission statement for your meeting. For example, the purpose of a brainstorming meeting might be to generate new ideas for a new project, while the purpose of a planning meeting could be to set project goals for the next quarter.

Crucial for Clarity: Having a clearly articulated meeting purpose ensures that all participants understand what needs to be accomplished. It's a beacon that keeps the discussion on track and focused.

Foundation for Effectiveness: A meeting grounded in a clear purpose is more likely to be a productive use of time. It informs meeting objectives, shapes the agenda, and guides meeting participants towards a common goal.

Guiding Decision-Making: A well-defined meeting purpose serves as a guidepost for decision-making. It helps in evaluating ideas and discussions based on how well they align with the intended outcome.

Purpose vs Topics vs Objectives vs Agenda

In the context of a meeting, it's important to understand the distinct roles of purpose, topics, objectives, and the agenda.

Meeting Purpose: This is the 'why' of the meeting. It's the broad, overarching goal that gives meaning to the gathering.

Topics or Items: These are specific subjects or issues that the meeting will address. They are the 'what' of the meeting.

Meeting Objectives: These are the tangible goals or outcomes that the meeting aims to achieve. They are often related to the topics and provide a more specific 'how' to the meeting's purpose.

Meeting Agenda: This is the comprehensive guide or outline for the meeting. It encompasses the meeting purpose, lists the topics or items to be discussed, outlines the objectives, and may include logistical details like time allocations and presenter names.

Understanding these distinctions helps to clarify the role of the meeting purpose. While the agenda provides the structure, and the topics and objectives define the specifics, the purpose is the driving force that gives direction and meaning to the entire meeting.

Visualization of the relationships between meeting agenda, purpose, topics and objectives.

Crafting a Compelling Meeting Purpose Statement

Creating a compelling meeting purpose statement is like setting the stage for a successful performance. It’s not just about stating the goal; it’s about inspiring and guiding the participants towards a common meeting objective.

Be Specific and Concise

Clarity is key. The purpose statement should cut through the noise and deliver a precise message. Avoid ambiguous phrases.

Instead of saying “Talk about sales,” opt for “Develop a sales strategy for the upcoming quarter.” This specificity provides a clear direction and focus for the meeting.

Make it Relevant

The purpose must resonate with the participants. It should connect directly to their roles, responsibilities, or interests.

This connection creates a sense of ownership and urgency. For instance, if you're leading a team of designers, a purpose statement like, “Explore innovative design trends for the next project,” directly speaks to their expertise and passion.

Incorporate Measurable Goals

Tangible, quantifiable goals can transform a good purpose statement into a great one. They provide a way to gauge the success of the meeting.

For example, instead of a vague goal like, “Improve customer service,” a measurable goal could be, “Develop a plan to reduce customer wait times by 30%.”

Keep it Realistic

Ambition is admirable, but feasibility is crucial. Set a purpose that is achievable within the constraints of the meeting's timeframe and resources. Overly ambitious goals can be demotivating when they prove unattainable.

Inspire and Motivate

A purpose statement should not only guide but also inspire. Use language that energizes and motivates the participants. For example, “Let’s innovate our approach to market and set a new industry standard” can spark enthusiasm and a sense of mission.

Consider the Broader Impact

Reflect on how the purpose aligns with the larger goals of the team or organization. This broader perspective can add depth and significance to the purpose statement.

Iterate and Refine

Crafting the perfect purpose statement might take a few tries. Don’t hesitate to revise and refine it. Seek input from key participants if necessary.

Communicate with Clarity

Once you’ve crafted the purpose statement, communicate it clearly and prominently. It could be at the top of the meeting agenda, in the meeting invite, or verbally reiterated at the start of the meeting.

Example Purpose Statements:

  • "Chart a roadmap for the upcoming marketing campaign with clear milestones and measurable outcomes."
  • "Identify and strategize around three key areas to enhance our product's user experience."
  • "Align on next quarter's sales targets and devise a collaborative approach for achieving them."

While it's beneficial for a meeting purpose statement to be specific, relevant, measurable, realistic, inspiring, and aligned with broader goals, it's important to remember that not every statement needs to meet all these criteria. The key is to find the right balance and avoid making the statement too lengthy or complicated.

Aligning Purpose with Objectives and Agenda

Aligning the purpose with meeting objectives and the overall agenda is a step-by-step process that transforms your meeting from a mere gathering into a focused, goal-oriented session. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Break Down the Purpose: Start by dissecting your broad meeting purpose into specific, achievable objectives. These objectives should be clear, measurable, and directly related to the purpose.
  2. Develop Meeting Objectives: For each aspect of your meeting purpose, formulate meeting objectives that can be acted upon. For instance, if the purpose is to improve customer satisfaction, an objective might be to develop a new feedback system.
  3. Create the Agenda: With your objectives defined, begin structuring your meeting's agenda. List each objective as a key point, ensuring that every item on the agenda serves to meet one of these objectives. Whether you're having a team meeting or a client catch-up, an agenda template is always nice to have at hand. Feel free to use ours below!
  1. Allocate Time and Resources: Allocate a particular meeting time for each discussion topic to ensure that the meeting remains focused and on track. This could include discussion leaders or specific team members who will lead certain parts of the meeting.
  2. Ensure Cohesion: Review your agenda to ensure that every item ties back to your overarching meeting purpose. This step is critical for maintaining focus and coherence throughout the meeting.
  3. Plan for Flexibility: While it's important to have a structured agenda, leave room for adaptability. Be prepared to make adjustments if the discussion leads to valuable insights or if certain objectives require more attention.
  4. Communicate the Plan: Share the purpose-aligned agenda with all meeting attendees beforehand. This will help them prepare adequately and understand the structure and goals of the meeting.
  5. Execute and Adapt: During the meeting, use the agenda as a guide but remain flexible. Adapt to the flow of discussion while ensuring that the objectives are being addressed and the overall purpose is kept in sight.

By following these steps, you create a logical, purpose-driven framework for your meeting. This not only streamlines the discussion but also sets the stage for a productive and successful meeting outcome.


Mastering the art of defining a meeting purpose, crafting compelling purpose statements, and aligning these with actionable meeting objectives and a structured agenda is the cornerstone of conducting productive meetings. It’s a skill that transforms gatherings from aimless discussions into powerful sessions that drive real results.

A meeting purpose is the foundation upon which all successful meetings are built. It provides direction, fosters clarity, and ensures that every participant understands the ‘why’ behind the gathering.

Crafting a compelling meeting purpose statement and breaking down this purpose into measurable objectives sets a clear path for what the meeting needs to achieve.

Aligning these objectives with a well-structured agenda ensures that the meeting stays on course, maximizes effectiveness, and leads to tangible outcomes.

Remember, the ultimate goal is not just to have a meeting but to have a meeting that makes a difference – one that moves projects forward, resolves issues, fosters innovation, and strengthens team relationships.

By applying the principles outlined in this guide, you’re well on your way to turning every meeting into an opportunity for progress and success.

So, the next time you schedule a meeting, take a moment to define its purpose clearly – it might just be the most impactful decision you make for your team’s productivity and success.


What are the five purposes of meeting?

1. Information Sharing: To communicate important updates, news, or changes within the organization or team.

2. Decision Making: To discuss and make decisions on specific issues, projects, or challenges.

3. Problem Solving: To address and find solutions to specific problems or challenges faced by the team or organization.

4. Planning and Strategizing: To plan and strategize on future projects, goals, or initiatives.

5. Team Building and Relationship Building: To strengthen team relationships, build trust, and enhance team dynamics.

How do you define a meeting's purpose?

Defining a purpose for your next meeting involves identifying the primary goal or objective you want to achieve. It should answer the question, "Why are we meeting?" The purpose should be specific, relevant to the participants, and achievable within the meeting's timeframe.

Can a meeting have multiple purposes?

Yes, there can be multiple meeting purposes, but it’s important to keep them focused and manageable. Having too many purposes can dilute the effectiveness of the meeting.

Typically, a meeting is most effective when it has a singular, overarching meeting purpose. Within this framework, there can be multiple meeting goals or objectives that aim to fulfill this central purpose.

If there are multiple purposes, they should be clearly outlined in the meeting agenda and adequately addressed during the meeting.

How can a clear meeting purpose improve team performance?

A good meeting purpose ensures that each team member understands the goal of the meeting, leading to focused discussions and efficient use of time. It helps in setting clear expectations, aligning team efforts, and facilitating decision-making.

As a result, teams can achieve desired outcomes more effectively, enhancing overall team performance.

What should you do if the meeting purpose is not achieved?

If the meeting purpose is not achieved, it’s important to evaluate why. Identify the obstacles or challenges that prevented the purpose from being met.

Discuss with the participants and gather feedback. Based on the insights, you can either schedule a follow-up meeting with a refined agenda or take alternative actions to achieve the intended purpose outside the meeting.

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Example Meeting Agenda Template

Date: [Insert Date]
Time: [Insert Start Time] - [Insert End Time]
Location: [Specify if it's an in-person or virtual meeting and provide necessary details or links]

Meeting Purpose:
[Clearly articulate the overarching goal or objective of the meeting]

1. Introduction (? min)

  • Welcome and setting the tone.
  • Overview of the meeting purpose and agenda.

2. Agenda Item 1 (? min)

  • [Description or goal of the first agenda item]

3. Agenda Item 2 (? min)

  • [Description or goal of the second agenda item]

[Continue with additional agenda items as necessary]

Conclusion (? min)

  • Summary of key points and decisions.
  • Discussion of next steps or action items.

Notes and Pre-Meeting Reads

  • Include any reminders, announcements, or pre-meeting materials that participants should review.
How to Write a Meeting Purpose (Objectives + Agenda)
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How to Write a Meeting Purpose (Objectives + Agenda)
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How to Write a Meeting Purpose (Objectives + Agenda)
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