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Meeting Tips

How to Write a Thank You Email After Meeting (+ Templates)

February 9, 2024
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Last updated
February 9, 2024
Phu Ta
How to Write a Thank You Email After Meeting (+ Templates)
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Have you ever left a meeting wondering how to leave a lasting positive impression on the people you've just met?

An effective follow-up can transform a promising meeting, whether with a potential client, during a job interview, or at a networking event, into an excellent opportunity.

This blog offers a roadmap to crafting the perfect "thank you for meeting" email, ensuring your presence doesn't go unnoticed.

We've got you covered with tips and will even give you free follow-up email templates to use. Let's dive in and transform your follow-up emails into opportunities and success.

What Is a Thank You Email?

A thank you email is sent to express gratitude to someone for their time, effort, or contribution, especially following meetings, interviews, or events.

It acknowledges their time and contribution, reinforcing the value you place on the relationship. In a professional context, it can help keep the communication lines open for future opportunities.

Thank You Email vs. Follow-up Email

A thank you email is specifically sent to express gratitude, often after a meeting or receiving help, focusing on appreciation.

A follow-up email serves a broader purpose, including checking in, providing additional information, or moving forward with the next steps after an initial interaction.

While both can overlap in content, their primary intents differ: one is gratitude-focused, and the other action-oriented.

While a thank you email might include a subtle call to action, such as suggesting a future meeting or expressing a desire to keep in touch, its core focus remains on appreciation rather than advancing specific projects or tasks.

The Importance of Gratitude

Expressing gratitude isn't just good manners, it's a powerful tool for building and strengthening professional relationships.

Recognizing someone's time, effort, or contribution can:

Enhance Your Professional Image

Expressing gratitude towards your clients elevates your professional persona, showcasing you as a considerate and dedicated service provider.

This gesture not only sets you apart in a crowded marketplace but also cultivates a reputation for being deeply committed to your clients' contentment and achievements.

Foster Positive and Lasting Relationships

Expressing gratitude towards clients significantly deepens the bond between you and your client, making them feel acknowledged and valued.

This gesture of appreciation fosters a stronger, more positive relationship, encouraging loyalty and the likelihood of clients returning for more services.

Moreover, satisfied clients are more inclined to recommend your services to others, potentially increasing your business through word-of-mouth referrals.

Increase the Likelihood of Future Interactions

Expressing gratitude can significantly impact the likelihood and quality of future interactions. When people feel appreciated, they are more inclined to engage with enthusiasm and a positive disposition in subsequent meetings or collaborations.

This positive reinforcement fosters a cycle of goodwill and collaboration, making it more likely for successful and productive professional relationships to develop and continue.

When to Send a Thank You Email

Sending a thank you email is a thoughtful gesture for various occasions, and the appropriate time frame to send one can depend on the context.

Here are examples of different situations and recommended time frames for sending a thank you email:

Within 24 Hours:

  • After a Job Interview: Sending a thank you email shortly after the interview demonstrates your enthusiasm for the role and helps keep you in the forefront of the interviewer's mind.
  • After Receiving Help or Support: Promptly thanking a colleague or professional contact for their assistance or advice underscores your appreciation for their timely support.

Within 24-48 Hours:

  • Following a Business Meeting: A swift thank you note helps solidify the professional relationship and reinforces any discussions or actionable items that emerged during the meeting.
  • After a Networking Event: Expressing gratitude shortly after making new professional connections in a spontaneous gathering keeps the interaction memorable and can pave the way for future opportunities.

Within a Week:

  • Post-Event Thank You (e.g. Conferences, Workshops): Expressing thanks to attendees or organizers of significant, structured events within a week recognizes their effort and participation.

Timing your email correctly ensures it's received as a thoughtful gesture rather than an afterthought.

How to Craft a Thank You Email

Crafting an effective thank you email involves more than just saying "thanks."

Here's how to make yours stand out:

Subject Line

Start with a clear subject line, such as "Thank You for Your Time" or "Great Meeting You at [Event Name]."

The subject line of your thank you email sets the tone for your message. It should be clear, concise, and reflect the content of your email.

Your subject line is the first thing a recipient sees when they glance at their inbox — meaning, it needs to grab their attention and make them want to open your message.

A good subject line like "Thank You for Your Time" or "Great Meeting You at [Event Name]" immediately informs the recipient of the email's purpose and encourages them to open it.

Personalizing the subject line with specific details, such as the event name or a topic discussed, can make your email stand out in their inbox and show that you've put thought into your message.

Personal Greeting

Start your email with a personal touch by addressing the recipient by their name. This approach not only grabs their attention but also sets a friendly tone for the message.

Avoiding generic greetings like "Dear Sir/Madam" makes your email feel more genuine and shows that you are directly engaging with them.

Express Gratitude

In the opening lines of your email, express your thanks clearly and sincerely.

Mentioning a specific aspect of the meeting that you found insightful or beneficial demonstrates that you were engaged and valued the discussion.

This personalized acknowledgment can make your gratitude feel more authentic and meaningful.

Brief Recap

Offer a concise summary of the key points discussed during the meeting to remind the recipient of the conversation's value and the common ground you established.

This recap not only shows your attentiveness but also helps reinforce the meeting's objectives and any agreements made.

Have a hard time accurately remembering what was discussed? Pro tip: use Wudpecker for all your meetings to easily automate note taking and transcription.

Possible Next Steps

While the core of a thank you email should remain focused on expressing gratitude, it's acceptable to subtly hint at a desire for future discussions or collaboration.

This can be framed as a continuation of the gratitude expressed, such as looking forward to opportunities to apply shared insights or reiterating enthusiasm for potential future endeavors discussed during your meeting.

Ensure that these mentions are gentle and secondary to the main message of thanks, keeping the conversation warm and open-ended rather than overtly goal-oriented.

Closing With Contact Information

Conclude your email with a courteous and professional closing, such as:

  • Best (regards)
  • Sincerely
  • Thank you in advance

After your professional sign-off, include your full name, job title, company name (if applicable), and any other contact information deemed relevant, such as phone number, email address, or LinkedIn profile link.

This ensures the recipient knows exactly who you are and how to contact you for further communication.


"Best regards,

[Your Full Name]
[Your Job Title] at [Your Company Name]
[Your Phone Number]
[LinkedIn Profile URL]"

This formal sign-off reinforces the professional nature of your message and ensures the recipient knows how to contact you for further communication.


Before sending your email, thoroughly check for any spelling or grammatical errors.

A well-written email reflects your professionalism and attention to detail. Ensuring your message is error-free helps maintain a positive impression.

Remember, the goal is to make the recipient feel valued and to open the door for ongoing communication.

10 Thank You Email Templates

Here you'll find a collection of thank-you email templates ready for immediate use.

They have been organized by specific scenarios to ensure you find the right tone and content for various professional contexts.

You're welcome to tailor them to your needs or use them as they are.

(1) Job Interview

Subject: Grateful for the Opportunity to Discuss the [Position] Role

Dear [Interviewer's Name],

I wanted to extend my heartfelt thanks for the opportunity to interview for the [Job Position] role at [Company] today. Meeting with you and discovering more about the remarkable work being done at your organization was truly inspiring.

I am very excited about the prospect of joining [Company] and contributing to its ongoing success and growth. Should you require any additional information from me or if there are any further steps I should be aware of, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you once again for your time and for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of working together.

Best regards,

[Your Full Name]
[Your Job Title (if relevant)]
[Your LinkedIn Profile URL]
[Your Phone Number]

(2) Mentor Meeting

Subject: Grateful for Your Guidance

Dear [Mentor's Name],

I can't thank you enough for meeting with me and sharing your valuable advice on [Topic/Area of Guidance]. Your insights were incredibly helpful, and I’m excited to put your advice into action. Can’t wait to fill you in on how it goes!


[Your Name]

(3) Business Meeting

Subject: Thank You for the [Topic] Meeting

Dear [Recipient's Name],

Thank you for the valuable conversation we had about [Key Topic]. I truly appreciated your insights on [Specific Point Discussed], and I'm excited about the potential paths we can explore for [Possible Outcome or Collaboration].

I'd welcome the chance to delve deeper into these ideas. Would you be open to a follow-up discussion in the coming weeks?

I look forward to continuing our conversation.

Warm regards,

[Your Full Name]
[Your Job Title] at [Your Company Name]
[Your Phone Number or Your LinkedIn Profile URL (optional)]

(4) Networking Event

Subject: Inspired by Our Meeting at [Event Name]

Dear [Recipient's Name],

It was a delightful surprise to connect with you at [Event Name]. Your passion for [Industry or Topic] and innovative thoughts on [Specific Aspect] left a lasting impression on me and made the event feel worth attending.

I'm eager to explore how our paths might cross in a professional way. Would you be open to continuing our dialogue over a coffee or a call soon? I believe there's much we can share and learn from each other.

Looking forward to possibly reconnecting,

[Your Full Name]
[Your Job Title] at [Your Company Name]
[Your Phone Number or Your LinkedIn Profile URL]

(5) Conference Speech

Subject: Inspired by Your Session at [Conference Name]

Dear [Speaker's Name],

Thank you for your enlightening talk on [Topic] at [Conference Name]. Your approach to [Specific Aspect] resonated with me, providing invaluable insights that I'm eager to apply in my own work at [Your Company/Field].

Your thoughts on [Specific Point or Idea From the Talk] were particularly thought-provoking. I believe there's a lot we could discuss regarding potential applications or collaborations. Would you be open to a conversation in the coming weeks to explore this further? I'm flexible and would be happy to accommodate your schedule.

Looking forward to the possibility of continuing our discussion.


[Your Full Name]
[Your Job Title] at [Your Company Name]
[Your Phone Number or Your LinkedIn Profile URL]

(6) Client Sales Discussion

Subject: Appreciation for Your Time Today

Dear [Recipient's Name],

Thank you for meeting with me today to discuss [Product/Service]. I appreciate your openness to hear about how we can support [Recipient's Company] with our solutions. I look forward to any questions you might have and the opportunity to work together.

Warmest regards,

[Your Full Name]
[Your Job Title] at [Your Company Name]
[Your Phone Number or Your LinkedIn Profile URL]
[Your Company's Website URL]

(7) Attending an Event

Subject: Grateful for Your Attendance at Our Recent Event

Dear [Recipient's Name],

Thank you for attending [Event Name] from the entire team at [Organizer Name]. Your participation truly made all the effort put into organizing this event worthwhile!

We trust that you found the event to be both informative and engaging. Your insights and experiences are invaluable to us, and we would greatly appreciate it if you could share your thoughts on how we can enhance our future events. Your feedback will help us make them even more beneficial and enjoyable for attendees like yourself. [Link or Button to Feedback Form]

We look forward to hopefully welcoming you again at our next event on [Possible Next Event Date]!

Best regards,

[Your Name]
[Your Job Title] at [Your Company Name]
[Your Company's Website URL]

(8) Client Anniversary

Subject: Celebrating Our Longstanding Collaboration - Thank You

Dear [Recipient's Name],

Time truly flies, and it's astonishing to reflect that we've already been collaborating for [Number of Years] years!

I want to extend my deepest gratitude for your support throughout these years. Your loyalty and trust in us have been invaluable, and we cherish the relationship we've built together. Looking ahead, we're excited about the prospect of continuing this journey and achieving even more together.

Your satisfaction and success are our top priorities. Please feel free to share any feedback or suggestions on how we can further enhance our services for you.

Once again, thank you for being such a valued member of our community. We're looking forward to many more fruitful years of partnership.


[Your Full Name]
[Your Job Title] at [Your Company Name]

(9) Team Milestone

Subject: Celebrating Our Milestone Together - Thank You, Team!

Dear Team,

As we take a moment to reflect on our recent meeting, I can't help but feel immense pride in what we've accomplished together. Reaching the milestone of [Describe milestone, e.g., completing a major phase of our project, achieving a significant sales target] is no small feat, and it's a testament to the hard work, dedication, and teamwork each of you has shown.

[Optionally, include specific achievements or contributions from the team that were pivotal in reaching this milestone.]

Let's take this achievement as both a celebration and a stepping stone toward our next goals. I'm excited about our path ahead and confident in our continued success with such a remarkable team.

Thank you for your outstanding efforts,

[Your Name]

(10) Last Day of Work

Subject: A Sincere Thank You on My Final Day

Hi Everyone!

It's with a mix of emotions that I share the news of my departure from [Company], after an enriching [Number of Months/Years] journey. The time spent here, working with such an incredible team, has been an amazing and significant chapter in my career.

I am deeply thankful for the support and guidance I've experienced from each one of you. These moments have enriched my professional life in countless ways and will be cherished forever.

Please note that my last day at [Company Name] will be [Date]. While I'm excited about the next chapter in my career, leaving this wonderful team is bittersweet. I would love to keep the lines of communication open, so please don't hesitate to reach out to me at [Personal Email Address] for any reason at all.

Thank you once again for everything. I wish nothing but the best for each of you and for [Company]. Let's keep in touch.

Always grateful,

[Your Name]

Mistakes to Avoid When Writing Thank You Notes

When crafting thank you emails, certain pitfalls can diminish their effectiveness.

Avoiding these common errors will help ensure your thank you email leaves a positive impression and fosters meaningful professional relationships.

Here are key mistakes to avoid:

Being Too Generic

It's important to personalize your thank you note by referencing specific aspects of the meeting and acknowledging individual contributions.

A personalized message demonstrates that you were engaged and value the unique input of each participant, making your gratitude more impactful and memorable.

Delayed Sending

Timeliness in sending your thank you email is key.

Sending one too soon, like immediately after stepping out of the meeting, might seem insincere or rushed.

Conversely, sending an email too late, several days after the event, can diminish the sincerity of your gratitude, making it seem like a mere formality rather than a genuine expression of appreciation.

Aim for a balance, typically within 24 hours, or at least 48 hours, to ensure your message feels both thoughtful and timely.

Overly Casual Tone

While it's important to be genuine in your thank you note, maintaining a professional tone ensures that your message is taken seriously.

Even if the meeting environment was informal, your thank you note should strike a balance between warmth and professionalism to reflect your respect for the recipient and the occasion.

Neglecting to Proofread

Simple mistakes in spelling or grammar can significantly detract from the professionalism of your message.

Taking the time to proofread your email before sending it shows attention to detail and a commitment to quality communication, reinforcing a positive image of yourself as a professional.


Crafting a thoughtful "thank you for meeting" email is a part of professional etiquette that can significantly impact your business relationships.

By expressing gratitude, summarizing key points, and possibly suggesting the next steps in a subtle way, you demonstrate professionalism and genuine interest.

Let's make sure we're on the same page: While the primary intents of thank you and follow-up emails differ, there are scenarios like post-job interviews where blending the two is both natural and beneficial.

A well-timed, well-written thank-you email can strengthen connections, open doors to future opportunities, and leave a lasting positive impression.

Let's make gratitude a standard in our professional communications.


Written Notes vs. Email

Written notes are often perceived as more personal and thoughtful, suitable for intimate relationships. They require more effort, reflecting a higher level of appreciation.

Thank you emails, on the other hand, are quicker to send and more suitable for professional settings where promptness is valued.

They allow for immediate acknowledgment of the meeting or event and are efficient for maintaining professional relationships in a fast-paced environment.

How Do You Express Gratitude in a Meeting?

During the meeting, verbally acknowledge contributions and insights provided by participants, and follow up with a detailed thank you email reiterating these points and expressing appreciation.

Besides offering sincere verbal thanks after the discussion, accompanied by a handshake; you might also consider sending a handwritten thank you note or a small token of appreciation, like a coffee gift card, especially if the meeting was significant.

Is a Follow-up Meeting Request Suitable for All Thank You Emails?

Not every thank you email should include a follow-up meeting request. It's appropriate when the initial business meeting hinted at ongoing collaboration, allowing you to naturally suggest continuing the dialogue to align on next steps.

In other contexts, like after a job interview or networking event, it's better to focus on expressing heartfelt gratitude for the shared insights and time. Indicating your openness to future engagements can be done subtly, ensuring the email maintains a professional tone.

In your sign-off, include essential details like your full name, job title, and company name, along with your preferred contact method. This keeps your thank you email professional and makes it easy for the recipient to reach back out to you.

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How to Write a Thank You Email After Meeting (+ Templates)
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How to Write a Thank You Email After Meeting (+ Templates)
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