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Why Your Current Approach to Transferring Knowledge is Failing You

November 24, 2023
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Last updated
March 21, 2024
Hai Ta
Why Your Current Approach to Transferring Knowledge is Failing You
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Effective knowledge management is critical for businesses to succeed in today's fast-paced business environment. Companies need to be able to capture, organize, and distribute knowledge effectively and efficiently to stay competitive.

However, I’d like to challenge the current state of knowledge management, which is barely sufficient for the complex needs of modern businesses.

Everything wrong with the current way of transferring knowledge

Knowledge and information only exchanged verbally and not written down

Consider a scenario that was prevalent in every organization: the dissemination of knowledge through casual, verbal exchanges. There was a veteran team member, let's call him John, a walking encyclopedia with decades of experience, whose knowledge was invaluable to us. Yet, his preferred mode of dispensing this wisdom was through informal, in-person conversations.

Over coffee, in hallway chats, or during lunch breaks, John's insights would flow freely. However, the transient nature of these verbal exchanges meant that they were soon forgotten, swept away by the tide of daily operations, new tasks, and pressing deadlines. Valuable pieces of knowledge would morph into half-remembered snippets, leaving room for misinterpretation and making knowledge retrieval a game of 'telephone'. Or nowadays, Slack threads.

When members leave team or projects

Senior colleagues leaving

Then came the day when John, our treasured fount of wisdom, decided to retire. His departure was a significant event, marking not just the end of a long and illustrious career, but also the exit of decades' worth of vital tacit knowledge. Suddenly, we found ourselves in a knowledge vacuum, struggling to fill the void left by his absence.

This is exaggerated due to COVID, as his more junior colleagues did not have nearly enough of these face-to-face time, where they could have absorbed these tacit knowledge through casual conversations.

Key decisions were harder to make without John's input, projects stumbled over obstacles he could have foreseen, and younger team members missed out on his experience-guided mentoring.

Getting lost in massive database

In large organizations, knowledge is stored in massive databases. It can feel like finding a needle in a haystack sometimes.

Worse yet, they are distributed in many different places: Slack, Teams channels, Drives, Sharepoints, Jira tickets,… So actually, there are many haystacks to dive into to get that needle.

Useful knowledge, vital insights, and crucial data points were lost amidst a sea of irrelevant, redundant, or outdated information. Trying to navigate this vast abyss often proved to be a time-consuming, exasperating exercise in futility.

Can't find relevant knowledge when  needed

In the absence of an efficient knowledge management system, finding relevant knowledge when it was most needed often turned into a frantic, frustrating quest. We found ourselves navigating a sea of information, trying to find the proverbial needle in a haystack.

Despite having vast reservoirs of data at our disposal, the absence of effective sorting and retrieval mechanisms meant that we ended up wasting precious time and resources hunting for the right knowledge. Sometimes, by the time we located the needed information, the window of opportunity had already closed.

Finding outdated knowldge

One of the pitfalls of an ineffective knowledge management system is the persistence of outdated knowledge. As we navigated our databases, we would often come across information relics – old reports, guidelines, and data that had long since become irrelevant.

Especially in the tech world, where product releases come in sprints. If there was a wiki page detailing a product feature, the screenshots might already have expired.

What is the fix for the leak in knowledge?

Emerging trends in knowledge management include the use of AI and machine learning to identify and categorize information. AI algorithms can help identify patterns in unstructured data, making it easier to find relevant information quickly. They can also provide insights into how knowledge is being used and what is most valuable to the organization.

Another area of growth is the use of virtual and augmented reality to enhance knowledge sharing. These technologies can provide immersive learning experiences that are more engaging and effective than traditional methods.

A blocker for sharing information is the concern of who can access such information. Here is where blockchain technology can be leveraged to create secure, decentralized knowledge sharing networks. And no, it’s not for creating corporate NFTs. Blockchain can provide a secure and transparent way to share knowledge, making it easier to track how information is being used and who has access to it.


In conclusion, traditional methods of knowledge management are no longer sufficient for the complex needs of modern businesses. By taking advantage of emerging trends and technologies, businesses can stay ahead of the curve and ensure that their knowledge management practices are effective in the ever-changing landscape of business. To succeed in the future, companies need to be willing to experiment with new technologies and methodologies, stay up-to-date with the latest trends, and foster a culture of collaboration and knowledge sharing.

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Why Your Current Approach to Transferring Knowledge is Failing You
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Why Your Current Approach to Transferring Knowledge is Failing You
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Why Your Current Approach to Transferring Knowledge is Failing You
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