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Meeting Tips

12 Rapport Building Questions for Effective Networking

March 18, 2024
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Last updated
March 20, 2024
Anika Jahin
12 Rapport Building Questions for Effective Networking
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Imagine walking into a networking event feeling like a stranger in a crowded room. Small talk feels forced, conversations stall, and making those all-important connections seems impossible. This scenario can happen in any situation – a job interview, a client meeting, or a casual social gathering.

But what if there was a secret weapon you could use to bridge the gap, create a sense of connection, and leave a lasting impression? The answer lies in the power of rapport building questions.

These are different from your typical, surface-level questions about the weather. Building rapport goes beyond small talk. It's about creating a genuine connection, establishing trust, and fostering a sense of mutual understanding.

You need to ask the right questions to unlock powerful connections. This blog is here to give you insights on how to ask those questions.

What Are Rapport Building Questions?

Rapport building isn't just about making idle chitchat or offering generic compliments. It's about creating a genuine connection that goes beyond the surface level.

Rapport building questions are dynamic tools that delve deeper, fostering authentic interest and establishing a foundation of trust with the person you're engaging with. These questions facilitate genuine connections, leading to trust and mutual understanding.

Rapport building questions come in many forms. Some are light-hearted icebreakers that start a conversation. Others are profound, open-ended questions. These encourage thorough exploration and meaningful exchange.

Whether you're looking to break the ice, deepen an existing relationship, or establish new connections, these rapport building efforts are your go-to resource for promoting a sense of closeness and fellowship.

Importance of Building Rapport

Building rapport isn't just about making polite conversation; it's the cornerstone of strong and successful relationships in every aspect of life.

Establishing rapport can benefit you because it...

(1) Boosts Trust and Respect

When you take the time to build rapport with someone, you're essentially saying, "I'm genuinely interested in getting to know you." This shows respect and fosters a sense of trust, which is crucial for any relationship to thrive.

People are more likely to be open and honest with those they trust, leading to more productive interactions.

(2) Enhances Communication and Collaboration

Rapport creates a space for open and honest communication.

You feel comfortable expressing your ideas and perspectives, knowing they'll be heard without judgment. Similarly, you're more receptive to the other person's point of view, leading to better understanding and fewer misunderstandings.

This fosters a collaborative environment where everyone feels comfortable contributing and working towards a common goal.

(3) Strengthens Business Relationships

Building rapport is a game-changer in the professional world. For salespeople, it can mean the difference between securing a deal and losing a potential client.

By establishing a connection with customers, you can better understand their needs and build trust, ultimately leading to increased customer loyalty and positive business outcomes.

(4) Improves Networking

Effective networking is all about building relationships. Building rapport at industry events or conferences allows you to connect with potential collaborators, partners, or employers on a deeper level.

This can lead to valuable opportunities and open doors you might not have encountered otherwise.

(5) Creates More Meaningful Connections

Building rapport extends beyond professional settings. It allows you to make more meaningful connections with friends, family, and even casual acquaintances.

By showing genuine interest in others and fostering a sense of understanding, you improve your personal life and build stronger bonds with the people around you.

Rapport Building Questions vs. Standard Questions

We all know the feeling of forced conversation. Imagine an awkward silence at a networking event or a sales call that feels more like an interrogation. These situations often derive from relying on standard questions that fail to spark genuine interest.

So, what's the difference between a standard question and a rapport building question?

  • Focus: Standard questions often concentrate on basic, factual information or require only simple yes or no responses. For instance, in a project management context, you might ask, "Did you complete the task?" or "Was the client satisfied with the deliverables?"
    In contrast, rapport building questions in project management delve deeper, aiming to explore the individual's experiences, challenges, and insights. They invite team members to share their work, thoughts, and feelings.
    Instead of "Was the client satisfied with the deliverables?" you could ask, "Can you share how you adapted our strategy based on the client's feedback and what the outcome was?"
    These deeper questions foster a genuine connection by encouraging team members to open up about their experiences and reflections, providing valuable insights into their working style and thought process.
  • Engagement: Standard questions typically lead to one-word answers or short statements, shutting down the conversation.
    In contrast, rapport building questions encourage elaboration and open-ended discussions. They invite the other person to share their perspective and create a more engaging dialogue.
  • Connection: Standard questions do little to build a connection. They might satisfy basic curiosity but leave you feeling like you don't truly know the person. 
    Rapport building questions, however, help you discover shared interests, values, or experiences. This fosters a sense of connection and makes the interaction more meaningful.

Here's an example to illustrate the difference:

  • Standard question: "Did you complete your task?" This question, while direct, only requires a yes or no answer and doesn't delve into the nuances of the team member's experience or the project's progress.
  • Rapport building question: "How did you approach the challenges you faced in your recent task, and what insights have you gained?" This open-ended question invites the team member to share their thought process, challenges faced, and lessons learned, fostering a deeper conversation and connection.

By establishing rapport, you shift the focus from gathering basic information to creating a genuine connection. 

How to Ask Rapport Building Questions

Now that you've grasped the power of rapport building questions, let's delve into how to integrate them into your conversations. Here are some key strategies to elevate your interactions:

Remember the Context

Rapport building questions aren't one-size-fits-all.

Consider the context and who you're talking to. At a casual gathering, you might ask about hobbies or interests. In a professional setting, explore career aspirations or industry trends.

For example, instead of a generic "How's your day?" at work, try: "What interesting projects are you working on right now?"

Embrace Open-Ended Questions

Transition away from closed-ended questions that lead to brief responses. Open-ended questions encourage detailed discussions and thoughtful consideration. Use prompts such as "Can you elaborate on..." or "How do you approach..." to engage in a deeper dialogue.

For example, instead of asking a team member, "Did you complete the milestone?" you could inquire: "Can you walk me through the process you followed to achieve your last milestone?"

These questions invite a more comprehensive response, fostering a meaningful conversation that can enhance understanding and rapport in a project management setting.

Show Genuine Interest

Your nonverbal cues are powerful tools in demonstrating your engagement and interest. Maintain eye contact, offer a warm smile, and lean in slightly to convey your focus and care. Avoid crossing your arms or looking distracted, as these behaviors can send a dismissive message.

You reinforce your genuine interest by aligning your verbal questions with attentive and open body language. This is crucial for building effective rapport.

Actively Listen and Respond

Effective rapport building questions go hand-in-hand with active listening. Pay close attention to what the other person is saying and ask follow-up questions that demonstrate you're truly listening.

For example, if they mention a recent challenge, you could ask: "How are you navigating that situation?"

Ask Different Questions for the Same Topic

Mix things up with icebreakers to ease into a conversation, open-ended questions to delve deeper, and even clarifying questions to ensure you understand their point of view.

Here's how you can diversify your questions on a single topic, such as project progress:

  1. Icebreaker Question: "What aspect of the current project excites you the most?" This question can lighten the mood and encourage team members to share their enthusiasm or personal interests related to the project.
  2. Open-ended Question: "How have you dealt with unexpected changes in the project scope?" This question allows the team member to elaborate on their experiences, providing deeper insight into their approach and engagement with the project.
  3. Clarifying Question: "When you mention 'resource constraints,' could you specify what resources are lacking, and how has this impacted your progress?" This question helps you understand specific issues more clearly, ensuring that you fully grasp the team member's perspective and can offer targeted support or solutions.

Find it difficult to create engaging rapport building questions in your meetings? Try Wudpecker's AI meeting summary tool. It not only automatically generates notes for your meetings, but also answers your questions about them.

After your next meeting, try Asking Wudpecker how your questions for the other attendees could have been better, and you'll know how to improve in the future.

Find Common Ground Through Mutual Connections

If you discover you both worked on similar projects or faced comparable challenges, use that as a starting point. For example, you could ask, "I saw we both worked on initiatives related to [common project theme]. What was a key takeaway for you from that experience?"

Leverage shared experiences to deepen the conversation. If you realize you both appreciate a certain methodology or tool in project management, you might say, "I noticed we both value [specific methodology]. How has it influenced your approach to project management?"

Show Empathy and Understanding

Recognize their challenges or obstacles and express your concern. For instance, if a team member is dealing with a particularly demanding phase of a project, you might ask, "I understand this phase of the project is quite demanding. How do you manage your workload during such intense periods?"

Be Mindful of Timing

Don't bombard someone with questions. Let the conversation flow naturally, and insert your questions at appropriate pauses.

To elaborate, engaging in a genuine exchange means observing and responding to cues in the conversation. For instance, if a topic particularly energizes or concerns the person you're speaking with, that's a cue to explore deeper.

You might say, "I noticed you seemed really passionate when discussing that project development. Can you share more details about your current work?" This approach shows attentiveness and fosters a more meaningful connection.

Rapport Building Example Questions

To help you seamlessly integrate rapport building questions into your interactions, we've created a sample questions that you can adapt to various contexts. Remember, the goal is to facilitate genuine connections, so feel free to personalize these questions to suit your conversation:

(1) Getting Started - Icebreakers

  • "What got you started in project management, and what do you enjoy most about it?"
  • "Can you share a project management book or resource that recently impacted you, and what you found useful?"

(2) Delving Deeper - Open-Ended Questions

  • "Can you talk about a tough challenge you faced in a recent project and how you dealt with it?"
  • "How do you prioritize tasks and manage your team's workload effectively?"

(3) Exploring Perspectives - Insightful Inquiries

  • "From your experiences, what key lesson in project management would you like to pass on to newcomers in the field?"
  • "Considering the dynamic nature of project management, how do you stay updated with industry trends, project management tools and integrate them into your strategies?"

(4) Finding Common Ground - Shared Experiences

  • "I noticed we both have implemented agile methodologies in our projects. How do you tailor these practices to fit your team's specific needs?"
  • "As we both are interested in continuous improvement, what's one innovative change you've recently applied to your project management process?"

(5) Encouraging Reflection - Thought-Provoking Questions:

  • "What project management tool have you found most impactful, and how have you integrated it into your work?"
  • "Based on your experiences so far, if you could enhance one aspect of your project management approach, what would it be and why?"

(6) Closing on a Positive Note - Uplifting Questions

  • "What achievement in project management are you most proud of, and how did it impact your professional growth?"
  • "As we look ahead, what's one development or goal in project management you're excited about pursuing?"

It's important to tailor your questions based on the context and your relationship with the person. Try to keep the conversation flowing smoothly and add in questions naturally as you go. Pick up on cues for follow-up questions or new avenues to explore.


Finding an authentic connection can be challenging at work, especially in remote environments, where physical interactions are limited.  

However, refining your rapport building questions allows you to establish meaningful relationships in both your personal and professional life.

It's crucial to remember that rapport building isn't about manipulation or superficiality; it's centered on trust, mutual understanding, and a shared sense of connection.

By asking thoughtful questions, you're not just making conversation; you're inviting others into a deeper engagement and establishing meaningful ties.

So, remember these tips the next time you're navigating a networking event, mingling at a social gathering, or engaging in day-to-day dialogue. You may find that even a simple conversation can create a deep connection, enriching your social life one interaction at a time.


What Is an Example of a Rapport Building Question?

Here's an example of a rapport building question, depending on the situation:

Scenario: Networking Event

  • Question: "That presentation on [topic] was fascinating. What specific aspect resonated most with you from the speaker's insights?" (This shows you were engaged, sparks discussion, and personalizes the interaction.)

Why This Works:

  • Acknowledges shared experience: You mention the presentation, establishing common ground.
  • Positive reinforcement: Calling it "fascinating" shows your interest.
  • Open-ended question: "Specific aspect" invites elaboration and conversation.
  • Personalizes the interaction: Focuses on their takeaways, showing genuine interest.

What Are the 4 Steps to Build Rapport?

While there's no one-size-fits-all approach, here's a breakdown of 4 key steps to build rapport that can be adapted to various situations:

(1) Ask Open-Ended Questions

This is the cornerstone of rapport building. Ditch the "yes" or "no" questions and delve deeper. Use phrases like "what," "how," "why," or "tell me more about" to encourage elaboration and conversation.

(2) Actively Listen

Rapport building isn't just about talking; it's about genuine connection. Pay close attention to both verbal and nonverbal cues. Nod, smile, and offer encouraging phrases like "That's interesting" or "I see." Avoid interrupting and focus on truly understanding their perspective.

(3) Find Common Ground

Look for shared interests, experiences, or perspectives. This creates a sense of connection and makes the conversation flow more naturally. It could be anything from a mutual appreciation for the weather to a shared passion for a particular hobby.

(4) Be Yourself

People connect with authenticity. While it's important to be professional or courteous depending on the situation, don't put on a fake persona. Let your genuine personality shine through, and you'll be more likely to build rapport with people who resonate with you.

What Questions Build Rapport With Candidates?

When interviewing candidates, your goal is to assess their qualifications while also building rapport to create a positive and informative experience. Here are some effective questions to build rapport with candidates:

Uncover Passions and Motivations:

  • "What initially drew you to this field, and what keeps you passionate about it?" 
  • "What are you most excited about in your career right now, and what are your long-term goals?"

Explore Their Experience:

  • "Can you tell me about a time you faced a significant challenge at work and how you overcame it?"
  • "Describe a situation where you had to demonstrate [desired skill]. What was your approach, and what was the outcome?"

Learning About the Company:

  • "What particularly interests you about our company and the role you're applying for?"
  • "What questions do you have for me about the position or the company culture?"

Building Connection:

  • "What's your preferred work style, and how do you collaborate best with colleagues?"
  • "What are some of your outside-of-work interests or hobbies?"
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12 Rapport Building Questions for Effective Networking
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12 Rapport Building Questions for Effective Networking
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12 Rapport Building Questions for Effective Networking
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