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Meeting Tips

Different Types of Scrum Meetings [Tips + Agendas]

November 24, 2023
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Last updated
April 19, 2024
Jenna Pitkälä
Different Types of Scrum Meetings [Tips + Agendas]
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How does a diverse team, from software developers to project managers, transform a vision into a tangible product?

The answer: Scrum meetings.

For context, while Scrum is most commonly associated with software development, its principles and practices are rooted in concepts that transcend any single industry.

Whether it's marketing, education, or event planning, Scrum can streamline workflows and enhance project outcomes by fostering a disciplined yet agile way of working.

Just to make everything crystal clear, let's break down some definitions before we continue:

  • Agile: Agile is a set of principles for software development that emphasizes flexibility, customer collaboration, and a willingness to respond to change. It advocates for iterative work cycles and incremental delivery of products.
  • Scrum: Scrum is a framework that operationalizes Agile principles through a set of events, also known as ceremonies or meetings. These include Sprint Planning, Daily Standups, Sprint Reviews, and Sprint Retrospectives, which guide collaborative work efforts.
  • Sprint: A Sprint is a time-boxed interval within the Scrum framework, typically one to four weeks long, during which a team works to complete a set amount of work from the Backlog. The idea is to break down complex projects into manageable chunks and deliver high-value features incrementally. This approach allows to rapidly adapt to changes and improve with each iteration.

Alright, now we're ready for dissecting the 5 types of scrum meetings, which are:

  • Sprint Planning
  • Daily Standup
  • Sprint Review
  • Sprint Retrospective
  • Backlog Refinement

We'll also give you the scoop about best practices for these meetings.

Sprint Planning

Definition and Purpose

The Sprint Planning meeting is the initial stage of the Scrum process, pivotal to setting the tone and direction for the period ahead. In this crucial meeting, the Scrum team lays out the blueprint for the upcoming sprint. Think of it as the strategic session where the team aligns on the Sprint Goal and maps out the path to achieve it.

  • Importance of establishing a clear Sprint Goal
  • Selecting User Stories from the Product Backlog to include in the Sprint
  • Balancing capacity with planned work to ensure realistic commitments


Bringing together the entire Scrum team, Sprint Planning invites collaboration between the Development Team, the Scrum Master, and the Product Owner. Each attendee plays a key role:

  • Product Owner: Clarifies the details of the Product Backlog items and prioritizes tasks.
  • Scrum Master: Facilitates the session, ensuring that the Scrum framework's practices are upheld and helps the team reach consensus.
  • Development Team: Provides estimates and commits to the work they can complete during the Sprint.

Core Focus

In each Sprint Planning session, the Scrum Team converges to create a roadmap for the next Sprint. Central to this meeting are discussions that revolve around high-priority tasks and how to tackle them effectively.

  • Reviewing the Product Backlog to decide which items to focus on.
  • Engaging in a collaborative dialogue about how to approach complex tasks.
  • Ensuring that the Development Team has a solid understanding of the Sprint's scope and objectives.

The Sprint Planning meeting is not just about task allocation; it's a vibrant discussion that sets the groundwork for Agile teams to deliver meaningful increments to the product.

The team's ability to forecast their work and adapt to potential challenges is tested and honed during this session, which ultimately contributes to the Agile methodology's success.

Daily Standup

Definition and Purpose

The Daily Standup, also known as the Daily Scrum meeting, is a quick touchpoint to foster team communication and synchronize activities.

This meeting is about keeping everyone on the same page and identifying any roadblocks as they arise. It's short, sweet, and to the point, ensuring that every team member starts the day with a clear sense of direction.

  • Ensures daily alignment on project progress and immediate tasks.
  • Offers a platform for each team member to highlight their previous day's accomplishments and today's focus.
  • Identifies obstacles early to keep the development process flowing smoothly.


Daily Standups are typically only attended by:

  • Development Team: Shares updates and discusses impediments.

Core Focus

The core focus of the Daily Standup is on transparency and momentum. By sharing what each team member has worked on and what they plan to tackle next, the entire team gets a snapshot of the Sprint's progress.

  • Recapping completed tasks and their impact on the Sprint's progress.
  • Planning and aligning today's tasks with the overarching Sprint Goals.
  • Highlighting and addressing any blockers to maintain a steady workflow.
  • If necessary, fine-tuning the day-to-day priorities.

These meetings play a critical role in keeping the Scrum Team engaged with the Sprint Goals and with each other, ensuring that every team member is contributing to the Agile process effectively and makes adjustments when needed.

Sprint Review

Definition and Purpose

The Sprint Review is an inspect-and-adapt meeting that takes place at the end of the Sprint. It's where the Scrum Team, along with stakeholders, reviews what was accomplished and determines what could be next.

This meeting is crucial for receiving feedback and adapting the Product Backlog accordingly.

  • Showcases the work completed during the Sprint to stakeholders.
  • Enables a collaborative discussion about the product's direction.
  • Gathers actionable feedback that will influence future Sprints.


Sprint Reviews bring together the full spectrum of individuals involved in the Sprint, each with a distinct perspective:

  • Development Team: Demonstrates the functionality they've developed.
  • Scrum Master: Ensures that the meeting facilitates open and constructive dialogue.
  • Product Owner: Gives feedback on completed work and clarifies or updates objectives.
  • Stakeholders: Provide insights and feedback from a business or user standpoint.

Core Focus

The heart of the Sprint Review is reflection and adaptation. The Development Team reviews the Sprint Backlog against the Sprint Goals and presents their achievements.

  • Assessing the accomplished work against the Sprint Goals and the overall project objectives.
  • Gathering feedback from stakeholders on the deliverables presented.
  • Updating the Product Backlog to reflect any new priorities or changes based on the feedback.

The feedback loop created here is a cornerstone of the Agile methodology, ensuring that the product evolves in a way that is responsive to the user's needs and the market's demands.

This is where the development process takes a critical look at what has been done and uses that information to improve continuously.

Sprint Retrospective

Definition and Purpose

The Sprint Retrospective is a reflective meeting that occurs at the end of each Sprint and is dedicated to continuous improvement within the Scrum Team.

It’s a time to celebrate successes, address challenges, and plan for better efficiency and effectiveness in future Sprints.

  • Aims to enhance the quality and effectiveness of the Scrum Team.
  • Provides a space for team members to voice their opinions on what went well and what didn't.
  • Encourages a culture of continuous process improvement and team collaboration.


The Sprint Retrospective is usually a team-centric meeting:

  • Development Team: Shares insights and feedback from their on-the-ground experience.
  • Scrum Master: Facilitates the discussion and helps identify actionable improvements.

Core Focus

The core focus here is on introspection and forward planning. The team collaborates to identify effective practices to continue and hurdles to overcome.

  • Reflecting on the successes to acknowledge and reinforce effective practices.
  • Analyzing challenges to identify obstacles and brainstorm potential solutions.
  • Exploring areas for improvement to enhance team processes in future Sprints.

The Sprint Retrospective is a critical component of the Scrum framework, fostering an open, blame-free environment where team members can focus on growth.

It's not about pointing fingers but about paving the way for more robust team performance and Sprint outcomes. It’s where the team learns, adapts, and becomes more cohesive for future Sprints.

Backlog Refinement

Definition and Purpose

Backlog Refinement, sometimes known as the Backlog grooming session, is the iterative process of reviewing and revising the Product Backlog items. This meeting ensures that the Backlog remains relevant, detailed, and estimated to facilitate smoother Sprint Planning and execution.

  • Involves breaking down and clarifying User Stories for better understanding.
  • Reassesses and reprioritizes Backlog items to reflect any changes in the project scope or market conditions.
  • Ensures that upcoming Sprint Planning meetings have a well-organized and clear set of items to choose from.


Key players in the Backlog Refinement process include:

  • Product Owner: Leads the session by reviewing and adjusting the Product Backlog.
  • Development Team: Provides estimates and insights into the technical feasibility of Backlog items.
  • Scrum Master: Assists in facilitating the session and resolving any impediments.

Core Focus

The core focus of Backlog Refinement is the meticulous preparation of the Product Backlog for the upcoming Sprint Planning session.

  • Fine-tuning the details and acceptance criteria of User Stories to ensure they are "Sprint-ready".
  • Collaboratively assessing the priority of the Backlog items with input from both the Development Team and the Product Owner.
  • Proactively addressing any ambiguities or complexities in Backlog items to avoid potential roadblocks during the Sprint.

Backlog Refinement is all about setting the stage for success in future Sprints. It's a proactive measure that aligns the team's efforts with the product's vision and market needs, ensuring that the Scrum team can hit the ground running when the next Sprint begins.

It epitomizes the ongoing process of improvement that the Agile Scrum meetings promote, aiming to streamline the development process and enhance the team's ability to deliver high-quality increments.

Best Practices for Productive Scrum Meetings

The goal of most Scrum meetings is to enhance the understanding, efficiency, and productivity of the team. When conducted effectively, they can significantly contribute to the success of the project and the development process as a whole.

They are a core component of the Scrum methodology, reinforcing the Agile framework's principles of flexibility, adaptability, and continuous improvement.

1. Preparation is Key: Encourage team members to prepare ahead for Scrum meetings. Before Sprint Planning, for instance, the Product Owner should have the User Stories well-defined and the Development Team should come with a clear understanding of their capacity.

2. Goal Clarity: Always reiterate the Sprint Goal at the beginning of every Scrum meeting. This ensures that discussions remain relevant to what the team aims to achieve, whether it's during a Standup or a Retrospective.

3. Outsourcing Notetaking to AI: Whether it's a decision made during Sprint Planning or an improvement strategy from a Retro, documenting these points helps in maintaining a clear record and aids in future reference.

To maximize every meeting participant's focus and input, leave notetaking to AI. Utilizing tools like Wudpecker to record the conversation allows everyone to fully engage in important discussions without distraction.

It also makes sure the notes are objective and every suggestion is recorded somewhere.

Wudpecker records the discussion and generates strategy meeting notes that the participants can utilize right after the meeting.

It's compatible with Google Meet, Zoom, and Microsoft Teams. It generates an accurate transcript, meeting summary and action items. The notes are easily shareable to other people.

Here's how you set it up:

  • Sign up for Wudpecker.
  • Admit the notetaker in your virtual meeting.
  • Access the meeting notes and transcription shortly after the meeting in your account. They stay safely stored in your account unless you remove them.

4. Active Participation: Encourage every team member to contribute. Whether it's a Development Team member sharing an update or a Product Owner providing feedback, every voice matters.

5. Embracing the Scrum Board: Utilize a Scrum board as a visual aid for Sprint progress. It can help keep the team aligned on Sprint Goals, Backlog items, and what each team member is tackling, especially during Daily Standups.

6. Timeboxing with Precision: Scrum meetings should be time-boxed – not a minute more than necessary. For example, if a Sprint Planning meeting is set for two hours, use a timer to ensure it doesn't overrun, which keeps the session productive and respects the team's valuable time. Encourage sticking to the meeting's agenda and purpose to make time management easier.

7. Focus on Actionable Outcomes: Meetings should lead to clear actions or decisions. Whether adjusting the Backlog or addressing Sprint challenges, aim for tangible results.


Scrum meetings are foundational to the Agile project management framework, acting as a catalyst for team productivity and project momentum. These structured sessions, when optimized, can bolster teamwork, streamline processes, and accelerate progress.

Sprint Planning provides a clear agenda for the upcoming Sprint, while Daily Standups ensure consistent communication and alignment.

Sprint Reviews are pivotal for reconciling stakeholder expectations with actual deliverables, and Sprint Retrospectives foster an environment where learning and adaptation are the norms.

The process of Backlog Refinement keeps the team's efforts targeted and efficient, preparing them for the challenges ahead.

These Scrum ceremonies, while structured, are not set in stone. They serve as a guide but also require the flexibility to adapt to the team's unique dynamics and project demands.

The key to their success lies in the balance between following a defined process and being receptive to change—a dynamic that encourages continuous improvement.


What are the meetings/ceremonies in Scrum?

In Scrum, an Agile framework, there are five essential Scrum meetings types that facilitate project planning, team collaboration, and continuous improvement:

  1. Sprint Planning: Where the team plans the work for the upcoming Sprint.
  2. Daily Scrum: A daily meeting to synchronize activities and discuss challenges.
  3. Sprint Review: A meeting at the end of each Sprint to review the work completed.
  4. Sprint Retrospective: A ceremony to reflect on the Sprint and identify improvements.
  5. Backlog Refinement: An ongoing process where the team refines the Product Backlog to ensure clarity and readiness for the next Sprint.

These ceremonies are fundamental components of the Scrum framework within Agile project management, each serving a specific purpose in driving the project forward.

What is Agile and scrum?

Agile is a philosophy of software development that emphasizes flexibility, customer satisfaction, continuous improvement, and iterative progress. It values collaboration, responsiveness to change, and delivering working software frequently.

Scrum, on the other hand, is a specific framework that implements Agile principles, providing a structured approach with set roles, meetings (ceremonies), and artifacts to help teams organize their work and deliver increments of the product regularly, typically in two-week cycles known as Sprints.

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Different Types of Scrum Meetings [Tips + Agendas]
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Different Types of Scrum Meetings [Tips + Agendas]
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Different Types of Scrum Meetings [Tips + Agendas]
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