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Meeting Tips

Sprint Planning Meetings: Here's What to Do

January 2, 2024
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Last updated
January 3, 2024
Jenna Pitkälä
Sprint Planning Meetings: Here's What to Do
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Sprint Planning Meetings: Here's What to Do

Confused about what should be done in your sprint planning session?

No worries! We've got you covered.

What is a Sprint Planning Meeting?

The name is quite self-explanatory: it's where the upcoming Sprint's objectives and work is planned. This is how the Scrum process begins.

What might be a bigger question is what actually should happen in the meeting.

What Happens in a Sprint Planning Meeting, In a Nutshell

1) The Why: First the Product Owner provides insight on how the product could increase its value. Then the whole Scrum Team defines the Sprint Goal, which guides the team's efforts and decisions throughout the Sprint.

2) The What: The team reviews the Product Backlog, selecting (and possibly refining) items for the next Sprint based on priority, team capacity, and strategic alignment. Deciding how much can be done can be difficult. What helps is if the developers have learned from their past performance and know their current capacity and Definition of Done.

3) The How: The Developers estimate and assign tasks by transforming selected Product Backlog items into Increments that meet the Definition of Done. They decompose these items into smaller tasks of one day or less. This process is driven entirely by the Developers' discretion, drawing on their expertise and project understanding to ensure realistic and effective Sprint execution.

Central to this meeting are discussions that revolve around high-priority tasks and how to tackle them effectively.

The team's ability to forecast their work and adapt to potential challenges is tested and honed during this session, which ultimately contributes to the Agile methodology's success.

Who Should Attend?

The entire Scrum Team should participate to create the plan for the upcoming work. Each attendee plays a key role:

  • Product Owner: Clarifies details about the most important backlog items and how they are related to the Product Goal.
  • Development Team: Participates in discussions about the backlog items, their execution, and what can realistically get done during the Sprint.
  • Scrum Master: Facilitates the meeting, ensuring it stays focused and productive. Makes sure that the Sprint Goal is defined before the meeting ends.

Other people may also be invited for additional advice, but this is rare.

How Long Should the Sprint Planning Meeting Last?

The duration of the Sprint Planning event is scaled according to the length of the Sprint itself.

For a Sprint that spans one month, the maximum allotted time for this meeting is eight hours. However, for shorter Sprints, the duration of the Sprint Planning is typically also shorter.

Definitions: Product Backlog vs. Sprint Backlog

Product Backlog: This is a comprehensive list of all features, user stories, fixes, and other changes that could be made to the product. It's a dynamic document maintained by the Product Owner, prioritizing items based on the overall strategy and objectives of the product.

Sprint Backlog: The Sprint Backlog consists of the Sprint Goal, the specific Product Backlog items selected for the Sprint, and the plan for delivering them. It represents the team's commitment for the Sprint and is a detailed plan showing how the team intends to achieve the Sprint Goal.

By the way, if you'd like to know more about the other Scrum meeting types, check out this blog!

How to Conduct a Sprint Planning Meeting

Team Collaboration and Communication

Effective collaboration and communication are the cornerstones of a successful sprint planning meeting. Encouraging open dialogue and active participation helps in building a cohesive team dynamic, where each member's input is valued and considered.

  • Use facilitation techniques (like round table discussion) to encourage quiet team members to contribute.
  • Address remote working challenges with visual tools to maintain effective communication.
  • Foster an environment of mutual respect and openness.

Sprint Goals Alignment

Aligning sprint goals with the broader project objectives ensures that the team works towards a common purpose. This alignment helps in prioritizing tasks and maintaining focus throughout the sprint.

  • Restate overall project objectives at the start.
  • Break down objectives into specific, measurable sprint goals.
  • Ensure mutual understanding and agreement on these goals.

Capacity and Velocity Consideration

Understanding the team's capacity and previous sprint velocities is crucial for setting realistic and achievable goals for the upcoming sprint.

  • Analyze past sprint performances for velocity assessment.
  • Account for external factors affecting the sprint.
  • Set realistic sprint targets based on this analysis.

Prioritizing the Product Backlog

The product backlog must be carefully refined and prioritized to ensure the team focuses on the most crucial tasks during the sprint.

  • Review and reprioritize backlog items regularly.
  • Ensure top items are well-defined and sprint-ready.
  • Use team and market feedback for prioritization.

Tools and Documents Preparation

Preparation of necessary tools and documents aids in efficient planning and tracking of the sprint's progress.

  • Ensure all digital tools and tracking software are accessible.
  • Prepare and review relevant documents like sprint reports.
  • Make resources easily accessible to all team members.

Incorporate Learning from Previous Sprints

Reflecting on previous sprints helps in identifying successful strategies and areas that need improvement.

  • Discuss lessons learned and personal experiences.
  • Share insights for strategy refinement.
  • Apply these learnings to the upcoming sprint.

Timeboxing the Meeting

Allocating specific time frames to each agenda item keeps the meeting focused and productive.

  • Define and adhere to the duration of each agenda item.
  • Use timers to maintain time discipline.
  • Remain flexible but mindful of overall meeting duration.

Clear Agenda Setting

A well-defined agenda ensures that the sprint planning meeting covers all critical aspects efficiently and effectively.

  • Detail each aspect of the sprint planning in the agenda.
  • Include time for user story discussions and estimations.
  • Distribute the agenda in advance for better preparation.

Sprint Planning Meeting Agenda Template

Feel free to use and customize the template below!

Common Challenges and Solutions

Sprint planning meetings can encounter several hurdles, but with the right strategies, these can be effectively managed:

Poor Risk Management

Teams often underestimate or overlook potential risks associated with sprint tasks. This lack of foresight can lead to significant challenges mid-sprint, disrupting workflow and progress.


  • Conduct thorough risk analysis sessions at the start of each sprint to identify, categorize, and prioritize potential risks.
  • Develop detailed contingency plans for the most critical risks, ensuring the team is prepared for unforeseen issues.
  • Hold regular risk assessment reviews throughout the sprint, adjusting strategies as necessary to address new or evolving risks.

Ineffective Communication

Communication breakdowns can cause misalignments in understanding sprint goals and requirements, leading to inefficiency and errors.


  • Foster an environment of open and consistent communication, utilizing clear, jargon-free language.
  • Implement daily or weekly check-ins to facilitate ongoing dialogue and address issues promptly.
  • Create a culture of feedback where team members feel valued and heard, enhancing overall communication quality.

Usually taking notes during a meeting helps people remember what was agreed upon. But no one is going to take thorough notes in meetings that can last for hours, like sprint planning. Even if they do, it would be difficult to catch all the nuances of discussion.

If you want help with keeping record of conversations and using them for the current and future sprints, consider trying Wudpecker. It records your session, and with the help of AI, creates an easy-to-read summary, an audio recording and a transcript of your meeting.

You can go back to these notes any time in your account and even Ask Wudpecker's AI bot about specifics of the meeting if you don't want to read or listen to much of it.

Technology or Tool Limitations

Inadequate or outdated tools can significantly hamper the team's ability to work effectively, leading to delays and frustration.


  • Regularly assess the team's technological needs and invest in modern, agile-friendly tools that enhance productivity.
  • Organize training sessions to ensure all team members are proficient in utilizing these tools.
  • Stay updated with the latest technological advancements and periodically upgrade tools to maintain a competitive edge.

Changing Requirements

Frequent alterations in project scope or objectives can create confusion and hinder the team's ability to plan effectively.


  • Establish a clear process for managing and integrating scope changes, balancing flexibility with the need for structure.
  • Engage stakeholders early in the planning process to ensure alignment and minimize last-minute changes.
  • Emphasize the importance of communication and collaboration when dealing with scope changes to ensure smooth transitions.

Burnout and Overwork

Continuous, intense sprints without adequate breaks can lead to team exhaustion, decreasing productivity and morale.


  • Plan for regular intervals of rest and recuperation between sprints to prevent burnout.
  • Monitor and manage workloads actively to ensure tasks are evenly distributed, avoiding overburdening individual team members.
  • Promote a culture that values work-life balance, recognizing the importance of mental and physical well-being in sustaining long-term productivity.


Some of the key things to remember for a successful sprint planning meeting are being realistic about the workload and planning efficiently together with the team.

Achieving this balance requires ongoing effort and attention to detail, emphasizing clear communication, effective use of tools, and a deep understanding of team dynamics and capabilities.

Of course, this is easier said than done. However, with consistent practice and a commitment to these principles, your team can master the art of effective sprint planning.

Using tools like Wudpecker to record and make summaries of your meetings can also be helpful for referring to past, hour-long conversations.


How do you structure a sprint planning meeting?

Begin with defining the sprint goal, followed by backlog grooming and prioritization, task estimation, and assignment. Conclude with a final review of the sprint plan and confirmation of team members' understanding and commitment.

Which 2 topics are usually covered in sprint planning meeting?

The two main topics for a sprint planning meeting are defining the sprint goal and selecting backlog items for the upcoming sprint, along with task assignment and estimation.

What are good sprint planning tools?

Common tools include digital agile boards (like Jira or Trello), backlog management software, estimation tools (for story points), and collaborative platforms for team communication and tracking progress.

Automatic quality online meeting notes
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Sprint Planning Meeting Template

Date: [Insert Date]
Time: [Insert Start Time] - [Insert End Time]
Location: [Specify in-person or virtual meeting details/links]

Meeting Purpose:
[Clearly articulate the goal of the sprint planning meeting]

1. Opening and Goal Setting

  • Quick introduction and overview of the meeting's objectives.
  • Clarify and align on the sprint's goals.

2. Backlog Review and Prioritization

  • Review and prioritize user stories in the product backlog.
  • Discuss the relevance and urgency of each item.

3. Capacity and Velocity Assessment

  • Assess the team's capacity and review past sprint velocities.
  • Estimate the work that can be realistically completed.

4. User Story Estimation

  • Discuss and assign story points to user stories.
  • Ensure understanding and agreement on effort estimations.

5. Sprint Goal Finalization

  • Finalize the selection of user stories for the sprint.
  • Ensure alignment with sprint goals and team capacity.

6. Tool and Resource Check

  • Confirm the availability of necessary tools and resources.
  • Address any technical or resource-related concerns.

7. Action Items and Responsibilities

  • Define specific tasks and assign responsibilities.
  • Set deadlines and discuss accountability measures.

8. Meeting Wrap-Up

  • Summarize key decisions and action items.
  • Confirm the next steps and conclude the meeting.

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Sprint Planning Meetings: Here's What to Do
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