Want to learn the best business insights from remarkable speakers at Slush 2023, but don’t have the time to watch the full speeches on YouTube?
You’ve come to the right place. Below is a summary of a speech by Cate Lawrence of Tech.eu guiding the conversation, join Cosmo Feilding Mellen, CEO and co-founder of Beckley Psytech, and Ekaterina Malievskaia, co-founder of Compass Pathways.
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- Speakers introduced themselves - Kate (discussion leader), Ekaterina Malievskaia (Co-founder and former Chief Innovation Officer of Compass Pathways), and Cosmo (CEO of Beckley CyTech).
Background and Motivation for Psychedelic Therapy
- Ekaterina shared her personal journey into the field, catalyzed by her son's struggle with severe depression and OCD.
- She highlighted the lack of effective treatments in mental health care and the need for evidence-based practices.
- Compass Pathways was founded with a focus on developing psychedelics as treatments for mental health disorders.
- Cosmo discussed his mother's pioneering work in psychedelic science and the founding of Beckley CyTech to develop licensed psychedelic medicines.
Successful Treatments in Psychedelic Therapy
MDMA for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
- MDMA is currently the furthest ahead in clinical trials, having completed phase 3 for treating PTSD.
- The FDA is expected to approve it within the next year or two.
Psilocybin for Treatment-Resistant Depression
- Compass Pathways' synthetic psilocybin, COMP360, showed remarkable results in phase 2b study.
- After a single administration, 37% of patients responded or remitted, and 29% maintained response or remission three months later.
Other Psychedelic Compounds
- Beckley CyTech is developing 5-MeO-DMT, a potent but short-duration psychedelic.
- Research is ongoing for other psychedelics and analogues.
Duration of Benefits from Psychedelic Therapy
- The duration of benefits varies, with some individuals experiencing effects for up to a year or more.
- It's important to manage expectations and conduct further research on long-term effects and relapse prevention.
Recruitment and Eligibility for Psychedelic Therapy
- Patients can either proactively reach out or be referred by healthcare providers.
- Training and educating healthcare providers about psychedelic therapy is crucial for appropriate referrals.
- Balanced conversations about potential benefits and risks are important for managing patient expectations.
Funding and Accessibility of Psychedelic Therapy
- Government funding for psychedelic research and clinical trials is increasing.
- Psychedelic medicines are being developed through the conventional pharmaceutical drug development approach.
- Specialist interventional psychiatry centers are expected to administer psychedelic treatments.
Training and Standardization of Psychedelic Therapy
- Extensive training is provided for therapists specific to each psychedelic compound.
- Efforts are ongoing towards standardizing and scaling training programs.
- Digital tools can aid in therapist training, patient preparation, and post-treatment support.
The Role of Digital Health in Psychedelic Therapy
- Digital tools can enhance scalability, efficiency, and safety of psychedelic treatments.
- There's potential for digital phenotyping to track patient progress and provide preventive interventions.
- Digital therapeutics can synergize with the pharmacotherapy of psychedelics.
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