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Sex (Sounds) in the City (Helsinki) | Caroline Spiegel (Quinn) & Kia Kokalitcheva (Axios)

December 9, 2023
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Last updated
December 18, 2023
Jenna Pitkälä
Sex (Sounds) in the City (Helsinki) | Caroline Spiegel (Quinn) & Kia Kokalitcheva (Axios)
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Want to learn the best business insights from remarkable speakers at Slush 2023, but don’t have the time to watch the full speeches on YouTube?

You’ve come to the right place. Below is a summary of a speech by Caroline Spiegel (Quinn) & Kia Kokalitcheva (Axios)

(psst: the notes were automatically generated with Wudpecker's AI notetaking tool. If you'd like to check these notes + transcript + audio recording without needing to log in, press here.)

Introduction and Overview of Quinn

  • Quinn is an app for audio erotica, described as an 'Only Fans' for erotic storytelling.
  • The app does not include any visuals, images, or videos, focusing on immersive, ethical, female-first content.
  • The founder, Caroline Spiegel, conceived the idea from a personal need during her struggle with an eating disorder and Female Sexual Dysfunction (FSD).

Origins and Challenges

  • Despite initial apprehensions about entering a stigmatized sector, Spiegel decided to build Quinn to improve user experience in accessing audio erotica.
  • Spiegel had to navigate the challenges of explaining the concept to conservative individuals and facing rejection during funding rounds.
  • She emphasized the importance of resilience and learning from rejections for other founders.

Product Building Approach and Venture Funding

  • Quinn has raised around $8 million in venture funding.
  • The company emphasizes attention to detail in product development, constantly reviewing and providing feedback to maintain high standards.
  • Quinn aims to be taken seriously, striving to provide a safe and high-quality user experience for its customers.

Community Growth and Business Model

  • Quinn has around 70 curated creators, each bringing their own fan base and contributing to the app's 400% year-over-year growth for two years.
  • The business model focuses on empowering creators and maintaining high-quality content rather than performance marketing arbitrage.
  • Future plans include introducing micro-payments to creators, resembling OnlyFans or Patreon but with Quinn's unique brand appeal and safety measures.

AI Implementation and Future Predictions

  • While Quinn uses AI in its recommendation engine, it does not use generative AI due to ethical considerations around consent and authenticity.
  • Spiegel predicts a future focus on small groups of die-hard fans for monetization and increased creator ownership.
  • Long-term vision for Quinn involves empowering creators to produce immersive, story-driven erotic content and scaling up the platform.
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Sex (Sounds) in the City (Helsinki) | Caroline Spiegel (Quinn) & Kia Kokalitcheva (Axios)
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Sex (Sounds) in the City (Helsinki) | Caroline Spiegel (Quinn) & Kia Kokalitcheva (Axios)
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Sex (Sounds) in the City (Helsinki) | Caroline Spiegel (Quinn) & Kia Kokalitcheva (Axios)
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