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Top 4 AI Meeting Alternatives to Fathom

November 24, 2023
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December 19, 2023
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Top 4 AI Meeting Alternatives to Fathom
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In the world of business, meetings can feel like navigating stormy seas. Promises to be the reliable tool that simplifies the comprehension of customer needs and insights. But with so many alternatives out there, can Fathom stand out and prove to be the ultimate solution?

To find out, we've gathered a group of its competitors, each one navigating their own course through the choppy waters of the software world. Through a comprehensive evaluation, we aim to determine which tool can steer us safely through the storms of modern business.

In a fast-paced work environment, we require tools that can keep up with our demands. Only the tool that can prove to be the reliable captain and weather the storms of the modern business world will win our hearts. Let the battle begin, and may the best tool emerge as the ultimate solution for comprehending customer needs and insights!

So, what's the deal with Fathom? What does it do exactly?

Rev up your meeting productivity with Fathom - the free tool designed for businesses of any size. Fathom helps you manage meetings and team collaboration with ease, no matter where your team members are located.

Fathom's standout feature is its intuitive highlighting capability, which enables users to create concise highlight summaries during meetings. This feature ensures that all crucial points are incorporated into the meeting notes, saving time and keeping the meeting organized and focused.

Fathom works seamlessly with Zoom and integrates with other popular business tools such as HubSpot, Salesforce, and Slack, allowing for effortless sharing and collaboration across teams. Fathom has AI-features, such as transcriptions, automated meeting summaries, and voice-to-text capabilities. Fathom's AI-powered features not only save time and keep users organized, but also provide valuable insights into meeting performance. And the best part? Fathom is completely free, making it a budget-friendly solution for businesses seeking to enhance their meeting productivity and collaboration.

Although Fathom may not speak all the languages in the world or work with all video conferencing platforms, it's still a gem for businesses wanting to boost their meeting productivity and collaboration. With an easy-to-use interface and free transcriptions, Fathom is a no-brainer for teams looking to streamline their meeting management. Its advanced features and AI-powered capabilities are the cherry on top.


  • Free for personal use
  • Automatic meeting summaries that include action items
  • Downloadable meeting transcripts available instantly
  • Option to create highlights during a call and summarize them
  • Searchable transcript
  • Checkboxes for follow-up items


  • Only supports Zoom
  • Only transcribes calls in seven languages
  • Users with specific needs may require a more specialized meeting tool
  • Collaboration features not available on the free version

However, there are several other options to choose from that may be better suited to your requirements. That's why we've put together a comprehensive list of the top alternatives to Fathom, comparing their unique features and benefits.

Each meeting tool has its own strengths and weaknesses, so exploring these options can help you find the best fit for your needs. So get ready to discover your perfect match as we dive into a closer examination of how Fathom compares to the competition.

The Best 4 Fathom Alternatives

1. Wudpecker

Screenshot of Wudpecker fron page

Wudpecker is an exciting and innovative AI-powered meeting tool that offers a range of features designed to enhance your meeting experience. With MeetingGPT, Wudpecker generates chatGPT-powered summaries and transcripts of your calls, making it easy to keep track of important information without having to do all the heavy lifting yourself. Imagine not having to worry about taking notes during your meetings and instead focusing on participating fully in the discussion - that's what Wudpecker offers!

But that's not all. Wudpecker also records your calls, which means you can review them later for reference or even share them with colleagues who couldn't attend the meeting. This feature is especially useful for remote teams who can't always be present in every meeting, and it works seamlessly with popular video conferencing platforms like Zoom, Teams, and Google Meet.

Wudpecker also integrates with several important platforms, including Hubspot, Salesforce, Notion, Slack, and Google Docs, making it easy to incorporate your meeting notes and insights into your existing workflow. This integration feature saves you time and ensures that your team is always up-to-date with the latest information.

An animated illustration of a computer screen displaying the recording feature
Wudpecker notetaker can join Zoom, Google Meets, Teams meetings

One of the unique features of Wudpecker is its ready-made templates, or the ability to create your own. This ensures that your meetings stay organized and productive, no matter what the topic is. Whether you're having a brainstorming session, a team-building meeting, or a project update, Wudpecker has a template for you.

Wudpecker's note-taking interface is intuitive and user-friendly, with features similar to Notion's. You simply type a forward slash (/) and Wudpecker will give you options for bullets, headings, and questions, making it easy to structure your notes and capture important information. The best part? Wudpecker's interface is designed to be fun and engaging, which means that taking notes during your meetings can actually be enjoyable!

An animated illustration of a computer screen displaying the template feature
Wudpecker premade templates to steer the meeting agenda

Wudpecker is also free to use! Yes, you read that right. Wudpecker offers all these amazing features completely free of charge, making it an even more attractive option for teams looking to improve their meeting experience. With no commitment to paying anything, you can use Wudpecker for as long as you like and enjoy all its benefits at no cost.

Wudpecker is an essential tool for anyone who wants to streamline their meeting processes and improve productivity. Whether you are a business owner, manager, team leader, or just someone who attends a lot of meetings, Wudpecker can help you make the most of your time by providing an easy-to-use platform that combines AI-powered summaries and transcripts, call recording, customizable templates, and integrations with popular tools like HubSpot, Salesforce, Notion, Slack, and Docs. With Wudpecker, you can take notes more efficiently, stay organized, and extract key insights from your meetings in a matter of seconds, all while enjoying a seamless user experience that feels natural and intuitive. So if you're serious about getting more out of your meetings, be sure to check out Wudpecker and see how it can benefit you!

In conclusion, if you're looking for a tool that can help you streamline your meetings, capture important information, and improve collaboration within your team, then Wudpecker is the perfect solution for you. With its innovative features, easy-to-use interface, and integrations with important platforms, Wudpecker is the ultimate meeting tool for teams who want to have more productive and enjoyable meetings.

Lets wrap up the pros and cons of Wudpecker:


  • Offers chatGPT-powered summaries and transcripts, making it easy to review meetings and find important insights quickly.
  • Supports 100+ languages
  • Has a dynamic multi-language detection so different languages can be spoken and the transcript recognizes it
  • Records calls for later reference and sharing with remote team members
  • Provides ready-made templates or the option to create custom templates for note-taking
  • Integrates with popular business tools such as HubSpot, Salesforce, Notion, Slack, and Google Docs
  • Allows users to create snippets from recordings, making it easy to share important sections of a meeting with others
  • Recognizes speakers during the meeting and separates their dialogue in the transcript, making it easy to follow along and attribute comments to the correct person
  • Has an intuitive note-taking interface that suggests bullets, headings, and questions as you type
  • User-friendly and easy to onboard
  • Can be used for meetings on Zoom, Teams, and Google Meet
  • Includes time markers in the transcript, allowing users to jump to specific parts of the recording with ease.
  • Provides quick access to the recording and transcript after the meeting for efficient review and analysis.
  • Offers a FREE version with all the features


  • Some users may prefer more integrations with other business tools not currently supported by Wudpecker


Wudpecker is so free, it's almost criminal! You could even say that it's cheaper than a penny on the ground.

Main Features

  • ChatGPT-summary
  • Language transcription in 100+ languages.
  • Auto-Record Google Meet, Teams and Zoom calls
  • Unlimited amount of recordings
  • Transcribe Google Meets, Teams and Zoom calls
  • Speaker recognition
  • Set time markers
  • Create and share snippets
  • Template library or the design option
  • Integration with Microsoft or Google Calendar
  • Integration with Hubspot, Salesforce, Notion, Docs, Slack

Wudpecker vs Fathom

Both Wudpecker and Fathom are affordable meeting tools with AI-powered capabilities that can help businesses improve their meeting productivity and collaboration.

Wudpecker is a great fit for businesses with a diverse team that speak different languages as it offers transcription for over 30 languages and has dynamic multi-language detection. It also provides customizable templates for note-taking and offers the ability to create snippets from recordings.

It's important to note that Wudpecker supports meetings on Zoom, Teams, and Google Meet, while Fathom only works with Zoom. So if your business uses other video conferencing platforms, Wudpecker may be the better choice

On the other hand, Fathom is ideal for businesses that value an intuitive interface and a straightforward approach to meeting management. Its highlight feature makes it easy to capture important points during the meeting, and it offers automated meeting summaries to save time.

2. Otter is a transcription tool that utilizes AI to transcribe audio recordings and help users save time. It is particularly useful for professionals who frequently attend meetings or interviews, as it can quickly and accurately transcribe conversations in real-time. Otter sets itself apart from other transcription tools with a wide range of features that enhance its functionality.

One of Otter’s standout features is that it excels at live transcribing conversations, instantly capturing spoken words and turning them into text. As soon as someone speaks, Otter immediately starts transcribing their words, making it an incredibly efficient tool for taking notes during meetings, interviews, or any other type of conversation.

In addition to live transcription, Otter boasts an impressive editing capability that allows users to enhance their transcriptions with ease. Users can easily highlight important sections of their transcript, add comments, and even insert images to make the transcript more informative and visually appealing. This is a fantastic way to keep track of essential information from meetings and interviews.

With Otter, you never have to sift through long transcriptions to find important information again. The AI-powered summaries and their search function allows users to quickly find specific words or phrases within their transcriptions. Moreover, Otter seamlessly integrates with other tools like Zoom and Dropbox and the cherry on top is the mobile apps for both iOS and Android, allowing users to easily transcribe conversations on-the-go.

Otter boasts a range of impressive features that make it a top choice for professionals seeking quick and accurate transcription. However, it's important to note that the software currently only supports English (U.S. and U.K.) and regional accents, which may pose a challenge for teams working in multilingual environments. For those with this specific requirement, it may be beneficial to explore other transcription software options that offer a broader language support.

Otter's real-time transcription and editing capabilities, AI-generated summaries, manual timestamping and note-taking options, and AI-powered search function make it a standout transcription tool. Its mobile apps for both iOS and Android, further enhance its convenience and versatility. Overall, Otter is a powerful transcription tool that is perfect for professionals who need to transcribe conversations quickly and accurately.

Check the pros and cons of Otter.


  • Real-time transcription during meetings
  • Customizable and editable transcriptions with time markers and highlights
  • Integration with popular apps like Zoom, Dropbox, and Microsoft Teams
  • Ability to share transcriptions with team members for collaboration
  • AI-powered features like speaker identification and keyword search
  • Works with Google Meet, Zoom and Teams
  • Learns custom vocabulary


  • No video recording
  • Only supports English (U.S. and U.K.) and regional accents
  • Limited free version

Otter vs Fathom

Starting with Otter, its real-time transcription during meetings, customizable and editable transcriptions with time markers and highlights, and AI-powered features like speaker identification and keyword search make it a strong option for professionals who need accurate and efficient transcriptions. Otter also supports Google Meet, Zoom, and Teams, and it can learn custom vocabulary.

However, there are some drawbacks to Otter, such as the lack of video recording and its limited language support (English U.S. and U.K. only). Otter's free version also has limited features, which may not be sufficient for some users.

On the other hand, Fathom offers a range of features for free, including automatic meeting summaries with action items, downloadable meeting transcripts, searchable transcripts, and the great ability to create highlights and summaries during calls. However, Fathom only supports Zoom and transcribes calls in seven languages, which may be a limitation for some users. Additionally, collaboration features are only available on the paid version of Fathom.

Ultimately, the choice between Otter and Fathom depends on the specific needs and priorities of the user or business. If only language needed is English and real-time transcription and flexibility are essential, Otter may be the better option. However, Fathom may be more suitable for individuals who need a free tool for personal use and who need more wider support in video conferencing tools such Zoom, Teams and Meet.

3. Chorus is a meeting tool that records and transcribes conversations to provide valuable insights for sales teams. Its AI-powered features, integration capabilities, and collaboration tools are designed to improve sales efficiency, drive better results, and create a culture of learning and growth within sales teams.

Chorus is also known for its integration capabilities. It seamlessly integrates with popular sales tools such as Salesforce, Hubspot, and more, making it easy to connect all meeting data and insights to your sales process and workflow. This means that sales reps and managers can easily access and use the insights gained from their meetings to improve their sales strategy and close more deals.

In addition to providing valuable insights and improving sales efficiency, Chorus also helps managers and reps to improve their coaching and collaboration. The tool allows teams to easily share snippets and highlights from meetings, as well as adding comments and feedback. This means that best practices can be shared and learned from within the team, leading to improved performance and results.

Overall, Chorus is a powerful tool for any sales team looking to improve their productivity, gain valuable insights, and streamline their sales process. Its user-friendly interface, AI-powered features, and integration capabilities make it a top choice for sales teams around the world. With Chorus, sales teams can spend less time on administrative tasks and more time building relationships and closing deals.

Let's evaluate the pros and cons of Chorus.


  • Records and transcribes conversations for valuable insights
  • Automatically identifies key moments
  • Integrates with popular sales tools such as Salesforce and Hubspot
  • Improves sales efficiency and productivity
  • Facilitates coaching and collaboration within teams


  • No free plan
  • Lack of pricing transparency
  • Pricing requires contacting the company
  • The continuous stream of coaching tips may be overwhelming

Otter vs Fathom

If you're looking for a tool that can help you win more deals and grow your business, Chorus is the answer. It provides valuable insights and automatically identifies key moments during meetings, making note-taking a breeze. Plus, it integrates with popular sales tools like Salesforce and Hubspot, improving sales efficiency and productivity.

On the other hand, Fathom is a great option for those who want a free tool for personal use. It automatically generates meeting summaries that include action items, and you can download the transcripts instantly. However, users with specific needs may require a more specialized meeting tool. Overall, Chorus is a powerful tool for sales teams looking to improve their productivity and win more deals, while Fathom is a great option for personal use or small teams that only need basic meeting features.

4. tl;dv


Tl;dv is an innovative AI meeting tool designed to make the process of recording, transcribing, summarizing, and capturing key moments from your meetings as simple and effortless as possible. The tool offers a wide range of features that can help you stay focused on what matters most during your meetings. With the Free Plan, you can access many of these features without having to pay anything.

One of the standout features of tl;dv is the unlimited recording option. This allows you to record as many meetings as you need to, without worrying about any limitations or additional fees. The tool is also compatible with both Google Meet and Zoom calls, which means you can easily capture your virtual meetings. Additionally, tl;dv's transcription feature supports over 20 languages, making it a versatile and accessible tool for people from all over the world.

With tl;dv, you can also set timestamps and highlights to keep track of the most important parts of your meetings. This feature allows you to quickly refer back to specific moments during your meeting without having to comb through the entire transcript. The tool also enables you to create and share clips, making it easy to share the most relevant parts of your meeting with others. Another key benefit of tl;dv is its ability to automate the recording process. This means that you don't have to worry about manually starting and stopping the recording every time you have a meeting.

Check out the pros and cons of tl;dv.


  • AI-summaries
  • Tagging feature
  • AI-identification of questions, and action points in calls
  • Free Plan offers with unlimited recordings
  • Speaker recognition
  • Instantly ready recordings and transcripts


  • No analytics features
  • Not supporting Teams

tl;dv vs Fathom

One of the main differences between the two tools is their platform support. Fathom only supports Zoom calls, while tl;dv is compatible with both Google Meet and Zoom calls. This may be a deciding factor for some users who rely on a specific platform for their meetings.

In terms of language support, tl;dv offers transcription in over 20 languages, while Fathom only supports seven languages. If you work in a multilingual environment or require transcription in a language that is not supported by Fathom, tl;dv may be a better option for you.

Both tools offer unique ways to capture important moments during meetings. Fathom allows users to create highlights during a call and summarize them later, while tl;dv has a tagging feature and can automatically identify questions and action points during calls. Additionally, Fathom has checkboxes for follow-up items, which may be useful for tracking tasks and action items after the meeting.

One notable advantage of tl;dv is its unlimited recordings on the Free Plan, which is not available on Fathom's free version. tl;dv also offers speaker recognition and instantly ready recordings and transcripts. However, tl;dv does not have analytics features and does not support Teams, which may be a disadvantage for some users.

The verdict

After comparing the features of Wudpecker, Chorus, Otter, and tl;dv, it's clear that each tool has its own unique strengths that can be useful in different situations.

Wudpecker is perfect for companies or individuals who conduct meetings in multiple languages, want an easy-to-use interface, and require an affordable solution. With its chatGPT-powered summaries and transcripts, support for 30+ languages, dynamic multi-language detection, and integrations with popular business tools, it's a great all-around option with all the main things you need.

Chorus is great for generating more sales with its AI-driven insights and monitoring, and is recommended for sales teams to improve their sales efficiency and productivity. Otter is ideal for those who require real-time transcription during meetings and customizable and editable transcriptions, making it a great option for those in the legal, healthcare, or education fields. Last but not least, tl;dv is perfect for those who require quick and easy meeting summaries and tagging features, and it's especially useful for remote teams.

While all the tools have strengths in different situations, Wudpecker stands out for its extensive language support, user-friendly interface, and free version with all features included. For companies or individuals who need a tool that covers all the bases, Wudpecker is the best overall option.

Automatic quality online meeting notes
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Top 4 AI Meeting Alternatives to Fathom
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Top 4 AI Meeting Alternatives to Fathom
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Top 4 AI Meeting Alternatives to Fathom
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