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Meeting Tips

60 Catchy Meeting Name Ideas

February 2, 2024
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Last updated
March 11, 2024
Jenna Pitkälä
60 Catchy Meeting Name Ideas
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Creating a meeting title shouldn't take you too long. But you also don't want to name a meeting in a misleading or confusing way.

Let's see why this is, and explore meeting title examples for different types of meetings.

Before deciding on your meeting name, though, are you sure you know exactly what the meeting is about and how to summarize its main point in a few concise words?

If not, consider making the meeting agenda first. Here's a blog about how to do just that:

What's So Important About Meeting Names?

The significance of a well-chosen meeting title extends beyond mere formality. Here’s why the effort you put into naming your future meetings can pay off:

  • Clarity and Direction: A clear and descriptive meeting title immediately conveys the meeting's purpose to participants. It answers the 'what' and 'why' before the meeting even starts, aligning everyone's expectations about the meeting agenda.
  • Engagement and Interest: An engaging title can pique curiosity and motivate team members to attend and participate. It can also signal the importance of the meeting and its relevance to the attendees' roles and objectives.
  • Record-Keeping and Referencing: Effective meeting names simplify future referencing, making it easier to look back on past discussions and decisions. This is particularly useful for follow-up meetings or when tracking the progress of ongoing projects. With tools like Wudpecker, you can easily find past meetings and their AI summaries by their meeting titles.

Tips for Crafting Effective Meeting Titles

To ensure your meeting titles are impactful and engaging, consider these four key strategies:

  1. Be Descriptive But Concise: Aim for clarity and brevity in your titles, summarizing the meeting goals in a way that's immediately understandable. This helps set clear expectations for the meeting's agenda and outcomes.
  2. Use Action Words: Begin your titles with dynamic verbs like "Plan," "Review," or "Strategize" to convey purpose and encourage active participation. This sets a proactive tone right from the start.
  3. Consider Your Audience: Tailor your titles to resonate with the participants. Think about what's important to them and use language that reflects their interests and roles, ensuring the meeting feels relevant and engaging.
  4. Reflect the Tone of the Meeting: Align the tone of your title with the nature of the meeting. Formal titles suit business and board meetings, while creative or playful names can enhance the atmosphere of more casual or innovative gatherings.

(1) Strategic Planning Meeting Titles

Each of these titles is designed to reflect the forward-thinking and high-stakes nature of strategic planning meetings, encouraging participants to engage with an eye on the future and the broader vision of the organization.

  1. Annual Strategy and Vision
  2. Goals and Milestones Review
  3. Growth Strategy Brainstorm
  4. Q2 Strategy Review
  5. Vision and Mission Review
  6. Strategic Priorities Planning
  7. Market Trends Review
  8. Competitive Strategy Session
  9. Innovation Opportunities
  10. Resource Planning Session

(2) Team Building Meeting Titles

These titles aim to clearly communicate the purpose of team building meetings, focusing on enhancing team dynamics, recognizing achievements, and promoting a supportive and collaborative work environment.

  1. Monthly Team Catch-Up
  2. Quarterly Culture Workshop
  3. Cross-Team Collaboration
  4. Team Strengths Workshop
  5. Communication Skills Boost
  6. Team Problem-Solving
  7. Boosting Team Efficiency
  8. Celebrating Our Wins
  9. Building Team Resilience
  10. Fun Team Activities

(3) Project Kickoff Meeting Titles

These titles provide a clear indication of starting a new project, emphasizing the importance of aligning on goals, roles, and expectations from the outset.

  1. Project [Name] Kickoff
  2. [Name] Roles and Goals
  3. [Name] Strategy Brief
  4. [Name] Timelines & Milestones
  5. [Name] Vision & Duties
  6. [Name] Success Plan
  7. Intro to [Name]: Scope & Goals
  8. [Name] Roadmap Discussion
  9. Aligning on [Name] Execution
  10. Starting [Name]: Key Tactics

(4) Brainstorming Session Titles

These titles are designed to be direct and focused, clearly indicating the purpose of the brainstorming session and the specific area or issue being addressed.

  1. Marketing Ideas Brainstorm
  2. Client Onboarding Innovations
  3. New Product Ideas
  4. UX Enhancement Ideas
  5. Process Improvement Session
  6. Tech Innovations Discussion
  7. Customer Service Improvements
  8. Budget Optimization Ideas
  9. Revenue Stream Brainstorm
  10. Sustainability Solutions

(5) Progress Review Meeting Titles

These titles make it clear that the focus of the meeting is on reviewing and discussing the progress of various projects, initiatives, or functional areas within the organization.

  1. Project Progress Meeting
  2. Quarterly Sales Review
  3. Team Performance Feedback
  4. Milestone Review & Planning
  5. Campaign Effectiveness Review
  6. Tech Update Meeting
  7. Product Feedback Session
  8. Efficiency & Operations Planning
  9. Budget & Finance Review
  10. HR Initiatives Update

(6) Decision-Making Meeting Titles

These titles clearly articulate the purpose of the meeting and the specific decisions to be made, ensuring participants come prepared to contribute effectively to the decision-making process.

  1. Quarterly Budget Finalization
  2. Software Platform Selection
  3. Next Quarter's Marketing Approval
  4. New Office Location Decision
  5. Q3 Hiring Strategy
  6. Product Features Prioritization
  7. Policy Update Vote
  8. Vendor Contract Approval
  9. Project X Resource Shift
  10. Year-End Strategy Sign-Off


Whether you're about to have virtual meetings or on-site ones, you have to name them somehow. It's always a good idea to put some thought into a business meeting title to avoid unnecessary confusion and set the right expectations.

Feel free to use our meeting title examples for your next meeting invite.


What should I title my team meeting?

For team meetings, focus on the core purpose or main agenda item. Use clear and concise titles like "Weekly Team Sync," "Project X Update," or "Q1 Performance Review." Tailor the title to reflect the specific focus and ensure it resonates with the team's current priorities. Every attending team member should immediately understand the point of the meeting based on the title.

How should I name a meeting?

Naming a meeting effectively involves summarizing its main goal or activity in a few words. Try to get straight to the point with no unnecessary details.

Here are some meeting titles (examples).

  1. Sales Strategy Session
  2. Customer Success Check-In
  3. Tech Roadmap Update
  4. Brand Refresh Ideas
  5. Financial Year-End Review

How do you title a general meeting?

General meetings cover a range of topics, so titles like "Monthly All-Hands Meeting" or "Company-Wide Quarterly Update" work well. These titles convey the broad scope without focusing on a specific subject, making them suitable for company meetings with diverse agendas.

How do you title a discussion meeting?

Discussion meetings are often more open-ended, so titles like "Roundtable on Workplace Culture" or "Feedback Forum on Remote Work Policies" set the right tone for a successful meeting. These titles suggest a collaborative exchange of ideas on a particular theme.

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60 Catchy Meeting Name Ideas
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