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Dawn of a Surgical Renaissance | Dr. Nadine Hachach-Haram (Proximie) & Rob Reddick (WIRED) | Slush 2023

December 8, 2023
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Last updated
December 18, 2023
Jenna Pitkälä
Dawn of a Surgical Renaissance | Dr. Nadine Hachach-Haram (Proximie) & Rob Reddick (WIRED) | Slush 2023
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Want to learn the best business insights from remarkable speakers at Slush 2023, but don’t have the time to watch the full speeches on YouTube?

You’ve come to the right place. Below is a summary of a conversation between Dr. Nadine Hachach-Haram (founder of Proximie) and Rob Reddick (Science Editor of WIRED).

(psst: the notes were automatically generated with Wudpecker's AI notetaking tool. If you'd like to check these notes + transcript + audio recording without needing to log in, press here.)

<p class="h1-rich">🤏 TL;DR</p>

Dr. Nadine Hachach-Haram presented Proximie, a digital platform that connects devices, people, and processes in operating rooms using cloud computing, AI, and video technology. It allows virtual scrubbing in, real-time collaboration, and knowledge sharing among surgeons from anywhere in the world. Proximie aims to expand its platform beyond surgery to include remote consultations and other medical services, and the company operates as a B2B SaaS platform, selling licenses to hospitals and medical device manufacturers. Action items include developing a marketing strategy, exploring strategic partnerships, improving and expanding Proximie's technology by incorporating AI and gen AI, and expanding the usage of Proximie beyond surgery to include remote consultations and other medical services.

<p class="h1-rich">✨ Summary</p>

Proximie: A Remote Surgery Startup

  • Proximie is a digital platform that aims to turn operating rooms into smart, data-driven environments.
  • The software leverages cloud computing, AI, and video technology to connect devices, people, and processes in operating rooms.
  • Proximie allows virtual scrubbing in, real-time collaboration, and knowledge sharing among surgeons from anywhere in the world.

Live Use and Future Possibilities of Proximie

  • Proximie enables real-time consultation and collaboration during surgeries, allowing surgeons to virtually scrub in, provide second opinions, and share best practices.
  • In the future, Proximie envisions the possibility of remote surgeries, where the surgeon could be located in a different part of the world.
  • Proximie's technology has potential applications in surgical co-piloting, automated shared decision-making, and automation of administrative tasks.

The Role of AI in Proximie

  • Proximie utilizes AI in various aspects, such as adapting to variable bandwidth, analyzing surgical videos for process optimization, and automating administrative tasks.
  • The company sees a wide range of applications for AI and believes that combining video, AI, and cloud computing can unlock limitless possibilities in surgery.
  • Proximie recently released an SDK, allowing other medical device manufacturers to integrate Proximie's technology into their devices.

Expanding Beyond Surgery

  • Proximie aims to extend its platform beyond surgery to include remote consultations and other medical services, supporting the trend of virtual and remote healthcare.
  • The platform connects various healthcare facilities, from medical schools to complex care centers, enabling collaboration and knowledge sharing.
  • Proximie is deployed in over 800 facilities worldwide, ranging from austere environments to cutting-edge Western hospitals.

Building and Scaling Proximie

  • Dr. Nadine Hachach-Haram, a reconstructive plastic surgeon, founded Proximie based on her firsthand experience and frustrations in surgery.
  • Despite initial skepticism and rejections, the company persevered and built proof points and human impact stories to demonstrate the value of the technology.
  • Proximie operates as a B2B SaaS platform, selling licenses to hospitals and medical device manufacturers.
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Dawn of a Surgical Renaissance | Dr. Nadine Hachach-Haram (Proximie) & Rob Reddick (WIRED) | Slush 2023
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Dawn of a Surgical Renaissance | Dr. Nadine Hachach-Haram (Proximie) & Rob Reddick (WIRED) | Slush 2023
Min Read
Dawn of a Surgical Renaissance | Dr. Nadine Hachach-Haram (Proximie) & Rob Reddick (WIRED) | Slush 2023
Min Read

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